1. Locate your kdb file on your unix server.(# find / -name *.kdb)
2. Copy corresponding .sth file in to your home directory
Ex - if your .kdb file is /opt/IBM/HTTPServerDOLAdmin/certs/doladminweb.kdb your stash (.sth) file should be in same location /opt/IBM/HTTPServerDOLAdmin/certs/doladminweb.sth
3. Copy attached perl script (perl.pl) in to your home directory.
4. For safeside copy .sth file in to your home directory
5. Run perl script as follows
#perl perl.pl <*.sth file>
# perl perl.pl doladminweb.sth
<< Your password will be displayed in putty screen >>>
For your convenience prel.pl script has copied to my home directory in Prod Jump Server
[root@SERVER administrator]# pwd
[root@SERVER administrator]# ls -lrt
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 administrator root 291 Oct 26 11:49 perl.pl
[root@SERVER administrator]#
use strict;
die "Usage: $0 <stash file>\n" if $#ARGV != 0;
my $file=$ARGV[0];
open(F,$file) || die "Can't open $file: $!";
my $stash;
read F,$stash,1024;
my @unstash=map { $_^0xf5 } unpack("C*",$stash);
foreach my $c (@unstash) {
last if $c eq 0;
printf "%c",$c;
printf "\n";
2. Copy corresponding .sth file in to your home directory
Ex - if your .kdb file is /opt/IBM/HTTPServerDOLAdmin/certs/doladminweb.kdb your stash (.sth) file should be in same location /opt/IBM/HTTPServerDOLAdmin/certs/doladminweb.sth
3. Copy attached perl script (perl.pl) in to your home directory.
4. For safeside copy .sth file in to your home directory
5. Run perl script as follows
#perl perl.pl <*.sth file>
# perl perl.pl doladminweb.sth
<< Your password will be displayed in putty screen >>>
For your convenience prel.pl script has copied to my home directory in Prod Jump Server
[root@SERVER administrator]# pwd
[root@SERVER administrator]# ls -lrt
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 administrator root 291 Oct 26 11:49 perl.pl
[root@SERVER administrator]#
use strict;
die "Usage: $0 <stash file>\n" if $#ARGV != 0;
my $file=$ARGV[0];
open(F,$file) || die "Can't open $file: $!";
my $stash;
read F,$stash,1024;
my @unstash=map { $_^0xf5 } unpack("C*",$stash);
foreach my $c (@unstash) {
last if $c eq 0;
printf "%c",$c;
printf "\n";
Thanks it is worked