1- Introduction
This document describes Putty configuration options to work correctly with Remote Desktop Manager 5.8.3 in multiple embedded sessions.
2- Requirements before proceeding
When using multiple Putty windows embedded within RDM, and switching between them, the screen width becomes set to 20, and putty wipes all output beyond of it.
3- Order of Operations and Commands
Use Default Settings for your RDM session
Configure Putty properties
Either from putty or from RDM (button “…” on a screenshot above) set the necessary properties.
Set Columns and Rows to the values which would fit the RDM window the best.
Select “Forbid resizing completely”.
Set the “Gap between text and windows edge” value to 0.
Click to “Session”, choose “Default Settings”, click to Save. Then click Cancel to close the settings window.
Now you will always have your putty screens fully readable while in RDM, and switching between putty screens: