For integrating linux with EMC, you need to install two software available on emc's website.
1.Powerpath (To remove multipaths)
2.NaviHost Agent (To register linux machine on EMC storage)
Following are the commands to integrate linux
1. To check OS Details
# uname –a
2. To check OS release
# cat /etc/redhat-release
3. To check FC HBA Card
# lspci | grep -i fibre
4. To check WWPN in linux
# cat /sys/class/fc_host/host4/port_name
5. To check installed package
# rpm –qa |grep –I p <package name>
6. Install both packages by using following command
# rpm –ivh <package name> ( navihost and powerpath)
8. Check status and start the navishost agent
# service naviagent status
# service naviagent start
9. Start & check emcpowerpath service
# /etc/init.d/PowerPath start (As service command may not work for powerpath)
# ps –ef |grep –I powerpath
10. Check powerpath disk and paths
# powermt display dev=all
11. Check the newly added disk from SAN
# fdisk –l, or #parted -l
12. make partition on the disk received from SAN
# fdisk <disk name>
13. format it and mount it.
# mkfs.ext4 <partition name>
Create one directory
#mkdir /emc
Mount the partition on directory
#mount /dev/emcpowera(partition name) /emc
If needed add the entry in /etc/fstab to make it permanent mount
!!!!....Enjoy Learning....!!!!