1- Application prerequisites
1. Before starting the installation, please ensure that the user id fileaid and group faadm is already created. Log into the target system with root account.
2. Verify the /etc/hosts file on the target server and ensure that there’s an entry pointing the host name to the IP address.
Example: fileaidserver
2- Application Installation
Install Compat Standard C++ Library and Java Runtime 1.5
1. Log into the target system as root account.
2. Install the software package compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-138.i386.rpm from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 64bit CD/RPM repository
# rpm –ivh compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-138.i386.rpm
3. Once the package is installed, create a symbolic link in the /usr/lib.
# cd /usr/lib
# ln –s libstdc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.so libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2
4. Download Java Runtime Environment 1.5 update 21 32 bit version from Oracle/Sun jre-1_5_0_21-linux-i586-rpm.bin.
# chmod +x jre-1_5_0_21-linux-i586-rpm.bin
# ./ jre-1_5_0_21-linux-i586-rpm.bin
Agree to the license agreement and the Java Runtime will be installed to /usr/java/jre1.5.0_21 automatically.
5. Create a symbolic link in the /usr/java directory.
# cd /usr/java
# ln –s jre1.5.0_21 jre
6. Create a directory /fileaid and change the ownership and access permission.
# mkdir /fileaid
# chown fileaid:fileaid /fileaid
# chmod 775 /fileaid
7. Create the file .csysalts in /etc folder and change the ownership.
# touch /etc/.csysalts
#chown fileaid:fileaid /etc/.csysalts
Install FileAID CS 4.2.0 Execution Server
1. Log or su to the target machine as the user fileaid.
# su - fileaid
2. Copy the FileAID CS (FACS_Linux_4.2.0) folder to the target server, eg /tmp. Navigate to the installation source folder, eg /tmp/FACS_Linux_4.2.0/install and issue the following: commands.
# cd /tmp/FACS_Linux_4.2.0/install
# chmod +x facsinst.ins
# chmod +x regset
# chmod +x dlminstall.sh
3. Execute the facsinst.ins script, press Enter key to start the installation.
#/ tmp/FACS_Linux_4.2.0/install/facsinst.ins
4. Enter the following for the requested information:
Accept the default path: y
Do you agree to the above terms: y
Enter the command for invoking Java virtual machine: /usr/java/jre/bin/java
Do you want to install into /usr/facs: n
Enter the product directory: /fileaid
OK to create this directory: y
5. Verify the space information, source and destination directory, then continue the installation by
6. Once the installation is completed, skip the README file.
Install FileAID CS Patch
1. As fileaid user, copy the following files in the FACS_Linux_Fix_4.2.1.53 to the FileAID CS installation folder /fileaid.
# cp FACS_LINUX_4.2.1.53.tar /fileaid
# cp facssp53.ins /fileaid
2. Enable the execution of facssp53.ins file and execute it.
# cd /fileaid
# chmod +x facssp53.ins
# ./facssp53.ins
3. The installation of patch simply extracts and replaces files in the folder. The result should look like the following. Once the patch is applied the FACS_LINUX_4.2.1.53.tar and facssp53.ins files can be removed.
# rm FACS_LINUX_4.2.1.53.tar
# rm facssp53.ins
4. Update permissions on the following folders.
# chmod –R 777 /fileaid/logs
# chmod –R 775 /fileaid/cfg
# chmod –R 775 /fileaid/dlm
# chmod –R 775 /fileaid/dme
5. update the go.sh file in /fileaid/dme folder
# vi /fileaid/dme/go.sh
Update the following lines
6. Add additional lines in the go.sh file.
7. The end result should look like the following.
8. Update the .profile file in /home/fileaid to include the following environmental variables.
# vi /home/fileaid/.profile
Add the following lines
3- Application Configuration
Configure FileAID CS Execution Server to Start Automatically
1. As root, create a new rc.fileaid file in the /etc/rc.d folder and allow execution.
# touch /etc/rc.d/rc.fileaid
# chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.fileaid
2. Edit /etc/rc.d/rc.fileaid and enter the following.
cd /fileaid/dme
/fileaid/dme/go.sh & #Autostart FileAID CS Execution Server
3. Edit the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file to execute the rc.fileaid control file and add the following line.
su – fileaid –c “/etc/rc.d/rc.fileaid”
4. Reboot the server and proceed with Verify Installation section.
Verify Installation
1. Once the server is rebooted, run the following command to verify that the FileAID CS Execution server did start automatically. An output like the following should be displayed.
# ps –ef | grep fileaid
2. Open the log file for the execution server; output should look like the following.
# cat /fileaid/logs/Engine/DtlLog/dtlPreExecution.log