Kubernetes Interview questions & Answers


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kubernetes interview questions and answers for experienced 


What is Kubernetes and why is it damn popular?

This is a basic interview question asked by the interviewer to check candidate’s knowledge around Kubernetes. The interviewer expects the candidate to be aware of why Kubernetes is HOT in the market and what problem does Kubernetes solve for all of us. One can begin the answer with –

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.


Kubernetes is a HUGE open source project with a lot of code and functionalities. The primary responsibility of Kubernetes is container orchestration. That means making sure that all the containers that execute various workloads are scheduled to run physical or virtual machines. The containers must be packed efficiently following the constraints of the deployment environment and the cluster configuration. In addition, Kubernetes must keep an eye on all running containers and replace dead, unresponsive, or otherwise unhealthy containers.

Said that Kubernetes is rightly a platform for managing application containers across multiple hosts. It provides lots of management features for container-oriented applications, such as  rolling deployment,   resource, and volume management. Same as the nature of containers, it’s designed to run anywhere, so we’re able to run it on a bare metal, in our data center, on the public cloud, or even hybrid cloud.

Kubernetes considers most of the operational needs for application containers. The Top 10 Reasons why Kubernetes is so popular are as follow:

  • Largest Open Source project in the world
  • Great Community Support
  • Robust Container deployment
  • Effective Persistent storage
  • Multi-Cloud Support(Hybrid Cloud)
  • Container health monitoring
  • Compute resource management
  • Auto-scaling Feature Support
  • Real-world Use cases Available
  • High availability by cluster federation
Why should I use Kubernetes?

This is a bit tricky question. The intention of the interviewer is trying to understand candidate’s understanding of why should one head towards Kubernetes adoption inside the company or on the cloud.

With the advent of microservice architecture, users to individually scale key functions of an application and handle millions of customers. On top of this, technologies like Docker containers emerged in the enterprise, creating a consistent, portable, and easy way for users to quickly build these microservices. While Docker continued to thrive, managing these microservices & containers became a paramount requirement. All you need is a robust orchestration platform which can manage those containers which host your entire application. Kubernetes comes to a rescue.

Kubernetes is a robust orchestration platform which brings a number of features and which can be thought of as:

  • As a container platform
  • As a microservices platform
  • As a portable cloud platform and a lot more.

Kubernetes provides a container-centric management environment. It orchestrates computing, networking, and storage infrastructure on behalf of user workloads. This provides much of the simplicity of Platform as a Service (PaaS) with the flexibility of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and enables portability across infrastructure providers. Below are the list of features which Kubernetes provides –

  • Service Discovery and load balancing: Kubernetes has a feature which assigns the containers with their own IP addresses and a unique DNS name, which can used to balance the load on them.
  • Planning: Placement of the containers on the node is a crucial feature on which makes the decision based on the resources it requires and other restrictions.
  • Auto Scaling: Based on the CPU usage, vertical scaling of applications is automatically triggered using the command line.
  • Self Repair: This is an unique feature in the Kubernetes which will restart the container automatically when it fails. If the Node dies, then containers are replaced or re-planned on the other Nodes. You can stop the containers, if they don’t respond for the health checks.
  • Storage Orchestration: This feature of Kubernetes enables the user to mount the network storage system as a local file system.
  • Batch execution: Kubernetes manages both batch and CI workloads along with replacing containers that fail.
  • Deployments and Automatic Rollbacks: During the configuration changes for the application hosted on the Kubernetes, progressively monitors the health to ensure that it does not terminate all the instances at once, it makes an automatic rollback only in the case of failure.
  • Configuration Management and Secrets: All classifies information like keys and passwords are stored under module called Secrets in Kubernetes. These Secrets are used specially while configuring the application without having to reconstruct the image.
  • Kubernetes Interview Question # 1) What is the Kubernetes?

A) Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

  • Kubernetes Interview Question # 2) What is Kubernetes and how to use it?

A) Kubernetes is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating application containers. With Kubernetes, you are able to quickly and efficiently respond to customer demand: Deploy your applications quickly and predictably.

  • Kubernetes Interview Question # 3) What is the meaning of Kubernetes?

A) Kubernetes (commonly referred to as “K8s”) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications that was originally designed by Google and donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Docker Kubernetes Interview Questions For Experienced
  • Kubernetes Interview Question # 4) What is a docker?

A) Docker container is an open source software development platform. Its main benefit is to package applications in “containers,” allowing them to be portable among any system running the Linux operating system (OS).

  • Kubernetes Interview Question # 5) What is orchestration in software?

A) Application Orchestration. Application or service orchestration is the process of integrating two or more applications and/or services together to automate a process, or synchronize data in real-time. Often, point-to-point integration may be used as the path of least resistance.

  • Kubernetes Questions # 6) What is a cluster in Kubernetes?

A) These master and node machines run the Kubernetes cluster orchestration system. A container cluster is the foundation of Container Engine: the Kubernetesobjects that represent your containerized applications all run on top of a cluster.

  • Interview Questions on Kubernetes # 7) What is a swarm in Docker?

A) Docker Swarm is a clustering and scheduling tool for Docker containers. With Swarm, IT administrators and developers can establish and manage a cluster ofDocker nodes as a single virtual system.

  • Kubernetes Openshift Interview Question # 8) What is Openshift?

A) OpenShift Online is Red Hat’s public cloud application development and hosting platform that automates the provisioning, management and scaling of applications so that you can focus on writing the code for your business, startup, or big idea.

Advanced Kubernetes Interview Questions
  • Docker and Kubernetes Interview Question # 9) What is a namespace in Kubernetes?

A) Namespaces are intended for use in environments with many users spread across multiple teams, or projects. Namespaces are a way to divide cluster resources between multiple uses (via resource quota). In future versions of Kubernetes, objects in the same namespace will have the same access control policies by default.

  • Kubernetes Interview Question # 10) What is a node in Kubernetes?

A) A node is a worker machine in Kubernetes, previously known as a minion. A nodemay be a VM or physical machine, depending on the cluster. Each node has the services necessary to run pods and is managed by the master components. The services on a node include Docker, kubelet and kube-proxy.

  • Kubernetes Interview Question # 11) What is Docker and what does it do?

A) Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package.

  • Kubernetes Interview Question # 12) What is a Heapster?

A) Heapster is a cluster-wide aggregator of monitoring and event data. It supports Kubernetes natively and works on all Kubernetes setups, including our Deis Workflow setup.

  • Kubernetes Interview Question # 13) Why do we use Docker?

A) Docker provides this same capability without the overhead of a virtual machine. It lets you put your environment and configuration into code and deploy it. The same Docker configuration can also be used in a variety of environments. This decouples infrastructure requirements from the application environment.

  • Kubernetes Interview Question # 14) What is a docker in cloud?

A) A node is an individual Linux host used to deploy and run your applications. Docker Cloud does not provide hosting services, so all of your applications, services, and containers run on your own hosts. Your hosts can come from several different sources, including physical servers, virtual machines or cloud providers.

  • Kubernetes Interview Question # 15) What is a cluster of containers?

A) A container cluster is a set of Compute Engine instances called nodes. It also creates routes for the nodes, so that containers running on the nodes can communicate with each other. The Kubernetes API server does not run on your cluster nodes. Instead, Container Engine hosts the API server.

Real-Time Kubernetes Scenario Based Interview Questions
  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 16) What is the Kubelet?

A) Kubelets run pods. The unit of execution that Kubernetes works with is the pod. A pod is a collection of containers that share some resources: they have a single IP, and can share volumes.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 17) What is Minikube?

A) Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally. Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM on your laptop for users looking to try out Kubernetes or develop with it day-to-day.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 18) What is Kubectl?

A) kubectl is a command line interface for running commands against Kubernetes clusters. This overview covers kubectl syntax, describes the command operations, and provides common examples. For details about each command, including all the supported flags and subcommands, see the kubectl reference documentation.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 19) What is the Gke?

A) Google Container Engine (GKE) is a management and orchestration system for Docker container and container clusters that run within Google’s public cloud services. Google Container Engine is based on Kubernetes, Google’s open source container management system.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 20) What is k8s?

A) Kubernetes, also sometimes called K8S (K – eight characters – S), is an open source orchestration framework for containerized applications that was born from the Google data centers.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 21) What is KUBE proxy?

A) Synopsis. The Kubernetes network proxy runs on each node. Service cluster ips and ports are currently found through Docker-links-compatible environment variables specifying ports opened by the service proxy. There is an optional addon that provides cluster DNS for these cluster IPs.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 22) Which process runs on Kubernetes master node?

A) Kube-apiserver process runs on Kubernetes master node.

Kubernetes Interview Questions # 23) Which process runs on Kubernetes non-master node?

A) Kube-proxy process runs on Kubernetes non-master node.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 24) Which process validates and configures data for the api objects like pods, services?

A) kube-apiserver process validates and configures data for the api objects.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 25) What is the use of kube-controller-manager?

A) kube-controller-manager embeds the core control loop which is a non-terminating loop that regulates the state of the system.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 26) Kubernetes objects made up of what?

A) Kubernetes objects are made up of Pod, Service and Volume.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 27) What are Kubernetes controllers?

A) Kubernetes controllers are Replicaset, Deployment controller.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 28) Where Kubernetes cluster data is stored?

A) etcd is responsible for storing Kubernetes cluster data.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 29) What is the role of kube-scheduler?

A) kube-scheduler is responsible for assigning a node to newly created pods.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 30) Which container runtimes supported by Kubernetes?

A) Kubernetes supports docker and rkt container runtimes.

  • Kubernetes Interview Questions # 31) What are the components interact with Kubernetes node interface?

A) Kubectl, Kubelet, and Node Controller components interacts with Kubernetes node interface.

Let’s say a Kubernetes job should finish in 40 seconds, however on a rare occasion it takes 5 minutes, How can I make sure to stop the application if it exceeds more than 40 seconds?
When we create a job spec, we can give --activeDeadlineSeconds flag to the command, this flag relates to the duration of the job, once the job reaches the threshold specified by the flag, the job will be terminated.
kind: CronJob
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
  name: mycronjob
  schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
activeDeadlineSeconds: 200
      name: google-check-job
          name: mypod
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
            - name: mycontainer
             image: alpine
             command: ["/bin/sh"]
             args: ["-c", "ping -w 1 google.com"]

How do you test a manifest without actually executing it?

use --dry-run flag to test the manifest. This is really useful not only to ensure if the yaml syntax is right for a particular Kubernetes object but also to ensure that a spec has required key-value pairs.
kubectl create -f < test.yaml> --dry-run
Let us now look at an example Pod spec that will launch an nginx pod
○ → cat example_pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-nginx
  namespace: mynamespace
    - name: my-nginx
      image: nginx
○ → kubectl create -f example_pod.yaml --dry-run
pod/my-nginx created (dry run)

How do you initiate a rollback for an application?

Rollback and rolling updates are a feature of Deployment object in the Kubernetes. We do the Rollback to an earlier Deployment revision if the current state of the Deployment is not stable due to the application code or the configuration. Each rollback updates the revision of the Deployment
○ → kubectl get deploy
nginx   1  1 1            1 15h
○ → kubectl rollout history deploy nginx
1         <none>
2         < none>
kubectl undo deploy < deploymentname>
○ → kubectl rollout undo deploy nginx
○ → kubectl rollout history deploy nginx
2         < none>
3         < none>
We can also check the history of the changes by the below command
kubectl rollout history deploy < deploymentname>

How do you package Kubernetes applications?
Helm is a package manager which allows users to package, configure, and deploy applications and services to the Kubernetes cluster.
helm init  # when you execute this command client is going to create a deployment in the cluster and that deployment will install the tiller, the server side of Helm
The packages we install through client are called charts. They are bundles of templatized manifests. All the templating work is done by the Tiller
helm search redis # searches for a specific application
helm install stable/redis # installs the application
helm ls # list the applications
What are init containers?
Generally, in Kubenetes, a pod can have many containers. Init container gets executed before any other containers run in the pod.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: myapp-pod
    app: myapp
    pod.beta.Kubernetes.io/init-containers: '[
            "name": "init-myservice",
            "image": "busybox",
            "command": ["sh", "-c", "until nslookup myservice; do echo waiting for myservice; sleep 2; done;"]
  - name: myapp-container
    image: busybox
    command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo The app is running! && sleep 3600']

What is node affinity and pod affinity?

Node Affinity ensures that pods are hosted on particular nodes.
Pod Affinity ensures two pods to be co-located in a single node.
Node Affinity
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: with-node-affinity
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: Kubernetes.io/e2e-az-name
            operator: In
            - e2e-az1
Pod Affinity
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: with-pod-affinity
      - labelSelector:
          - key: security
            operator: In
            - S1
The pod affinity rule says that the pod can be scheduled to a node only if that node is in the same zone as at least one already-running pod that has a label with key “security” and value “S1”
Reference: https://Kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/

How do you drain the traffic from a Pod during maintenance?

When we take the node for maintenance, pods inside the nodes also take a hit. However, we can avoid it by using the below command
kubectl drain < nodename>
When we run the above command it marks the node unschedulable for newer pods then the existing pods are evicted if the API Server supports eviction else it deletes the pods
Once the node is up and running and you want to add it in rotation we can run the below command
kubectl uncordon < nodename>
Note: If you prefer not to use kubectl drain (such as to avoid calling to an external command, or to get finer control over the pod eviction process), you can also programmatically cause evictions using the eviction API.
More info: https://Kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/safely-drain-node/

I have one POD and inside 2 containers are running one is Nginx and another one is  wordpress So, how can access these 2 containers from the Browser with IP address?

Just do port forward
kubectl port-forward [nginx-pod-name] 80:80
kubectl port-forward [wordpress-pod-name] drupal-port:wordpress-port
To make it permanent, you need to expose those through nodeports whenever you do kubectl port forward it adds a rule to the firewall to allow that traffic across nodes but by default that isn’t allowed since flannel or firewall probably blocks it.proxy tries to connect over the network of the apiserver host as you correctly found, port-forward on the other hand is a mechanism that the node kubelet exposes over its own API

If I have multiple containers running inside a pod, and I want to wait for a specific container to start before starting another one.

One way is  Init Containers are for one-shot tasks that start, run, end; all before the next init container or the main container start, but  if a client in one container wants to consume some resources exposed by some server provided by another container or If the server  ever crashes or is restarted, the client will need to retry connections. So the client can retry always, even if the server isn't up yet. The best way is sidecar pattern_ are where one container is the Main one, and other containers expose metrics or logs or encrypted tunnel or somesuch. In these cases, the other containers can be killed when the Main one is done/crashed/evicted.

What is the impact of upgrading kubelet if we leave the pods on the worker node - will it break running pods? why?

Restarting kubelet, which has to happen for an upgrade will cause all the Pods on the node to stop and be started again. It’s generally better to drain a node because that way Pods can be gracefully migrated, and things like Disruption Budgets can be honored. The problem is that `kubectl` keeps up with the state of all running pods, so when it goes away the containers don’t necessarily die, but as soon as it comes back up, they are all killed so `kubectl` can create a clean slate. As kubelet communicates with the apiserver, so if something happens in between of upgrade process, rescheduling of pods may take place and health checks may fail in between the process. During the restart, the kubelet will stop querying the API, so it won’t start/stop containers, and Heapster won’t be able to fetch system metrics from cAdvisor. Just make sure it’s not down for too long or the node will be removed from the cluster!
How service that selects apps based on the label and has an externalIP?
The service selects apps based on labels, so if no pods have appropriate labels, the service has nothing to route and labels can be anything you like. Since all pod names should be unique, you can just set the labels as the pod name. Since statesets create the same pods multiple times, they won't be configured with distinct labels you could use to point disparate services to the correct pod. If you gave the pods their own labels manually it will work. Also, service selects pods based on selector as well their location label as well Below .yaml file of Grafana dashboard service shows the same
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: grafanaportforward
namespace: kubeflow
run: grafana-test
- port: 3000
protocol: TCP
name: grafana
- x.y.x.q
app: grafana-test

Does the container restart When applying/updating the secret object (kubectl apply -f mysecret.yml)?  If not, how is the new password applied to the database?

If you are mounting the secret as a volume into your pod, when the secret is updated the content will be updated in your pod, without the pod restarting. It's up to your application to detect that change and reload, or to write your own logic that rolls the pods if the secret changes .volumeMount controls what part of the secret volume is mounted into a particular container (defaults to the root, containing all those files, but can point to a specific file using `subPath`), and where in the container it should be mounted with `mountPath`.Example spec is below
- readOnly: true
mountPath: /certs/server
name: my-new-server-cert
- name: server-cert
secretName: mysecret
Also, it depends on how the secret is consumed by a container. If env vars, then no. If a volumeMount, then the file is updated in the container ready to be consumed by the service but it needs to reload the file. The container does not restart. if the secret is mounted as a volume it is updated dynamically. if it is an environment variable it stays as the old value until the container is restarted

How should you connect an app pod with a database pod?

By using a service object. reason being, if the database pod goes away, it's going to come up with a different name and IP address.  Which means the connection string would need to be updated every time, managing that is difficult. The service proxies traffic to pods and it also helps in load balancing of traffic if you have multiple pods to talk to. It has its own IP and as long as service exists pod referencing this service in upstream will work and if the pods behind the service are not running, a pod will not see that and will try to forward the traffic but it will return a 502 bad gateway.So just defined the Service and then bring up your Pods with the proper label so the Service will pick them up.

How to configure a default ImagePullSecret for any deployment?

You can attach an image pull secret to a service account. Any pod using that service account (including default) can take advantage of the secret.you can bind the pullSecret to your pod, but you’re still left with having to create the secret every time you make a namespace.
name: test
Also, you can   Create the rc/deployment manually and either specify the imagepullsecret or a service account that has the secret or add the imagepullsecret to the default service account, in which case you'd be able to use `kubectl run` and not have to make any manual changes to the manifest. Depending on your environment and how secret this imagepullsecret is, will change how you approach it.
I have a configmap for 3 files that are going to be mounted in supposing "fluentd/etc/" and the respective files would be fluent.conf,  kubernetes.conf, systemd.conf, config map in deployment.yaml is like this

name: fluentd
mountPath: /fluentd/etc
name: varlog
mountPath: /var/log
name: container1
mountPath: /var/lib/docker/containers
readOnly: true
privileged: true
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
name: varlog
path: /var/log
name: container1
path: /var/lib/docker/containers
name:  fluentd
name: fluentd-config

When deploying you will get an error of mounting as read-only, which is effecting to fluent to read some of the mentioned sources in the configmap.how can we avoid this read-only error?

configmaps are always mounted read-only. if you need to modify a configmap in a pod, you should copy it from the configmap mount to a regular file in the pod and then modify it. To solve this issue we should use an init container to mount the configmap, copy the configmap into an `emptyDir` volume and share the volume with the main container.
configmaps are mounted read-only so that you can't touch the files. when the master configmap changes the mounted file also changes. so if you were to modify the local mounted file, it would be overwritten anyways.

If you have a pod that is using a ConfigMap which you updated, and you want the container to be updated with those changes, what should you do?

if the config map is mounted into the pod as a volume, it will automatically update not instantly and the files will change inside the container. If it is an environment variable it stays as the old value until the container is restarted
For example: create a new config.yaml with your custom values
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: testconfig
namespace: default
config.yaml: |
Then create a pod definition, referencing the ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: testobject
serviceAccountName: testobject
name: testobject
image: test/appv1
name: config-volume
mountPath: /app/config.yaml
subPath: config.yaml
name: config-volume
name: testconfig
restartPolicy: Never

What is the difference between config map and secret? (Differentiate the answers as with examples)

Config maps ideally stores application configuration in a plain text format whereas Secrets store sensitive data like password in an encrypted format. Both config maps and secrets can be used as volume and mounted inside a pod through a pod definition file.
Config map:
                 kubectl create configmap myconfigmap
echo -n ‘admin’ > ./username.txt
echo -n ‘abcd1234’ ./password.txt
kubectl create secret generic mysecret --from-file=./username.txt --from-file=./password.txt
If a node is tainted, is there a way to still schedule the pods to that node?
When a node is tainted, the pods don't get scheduled by default, however, if we have to still schedule a pod to a tainted node we can start applying tolerations to the pod spec.
Apply a taint to a node:
kubectl taint nodes node1 key=value:NoSchedule
Apply toleration to a pod:
- key: "key"
operator: "Equal"
value: "value"
effect: "NoSchedule"
Can we use many claims out of a persistent volume? Explain?
The mapping between persistentVolume and persistentVolumeClaim is always one to one. Even When you delete the claim, PersistentVolume still remains as we set persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy is set to Retain and It will not be reused by any other claims. Below is the spec to create the Persistent Volume.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: mypv
storage: 5Gi
volumeMode: Filesystem
- ReadWriteOnce
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain

What kind of object do you create, when your dashboard like application, queries the Kubernetes API to get some data?

You should be creating serviceAccount. A service account creates a token and tokens are stored inside a secret object. By default Kubernetes automatically mounts the default service account. However, we can disable this property by setting automountServiceAccountToken: false in our spec. Also, note each namespace will have a service account
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: my-sa
automountServiceAccountToken: false
What is the difference between a Pod and a Job? Differentiate the answers as with examples)
A Pod always ensure that a container is running whereas the Job ensures that the pods run to its completion. Job is to do a finite task.
kubectl run mypod1 --image=nginx --restart=Never
kubectl run mypod2 --image=nginx --restart=onFailure
○ → kubectl get pods
mypod1         1/1 Running   0 59s
○ → kubectl get job
mypod1   1 0             19s

How do you deploy a feature with zero downtime in Kubernetes?

By default Deployment in Kubernetes using RollingUpdate as a strategy. Let's say we have an example that creates a deployment in Kubernetes
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx # creates a deployment
○ → kubectl get deploy
nginx   1  1 1            0 7s
Now let’s assume we are going to update the nginx image
kubectl set image deployment nginx nginx=nginx:1.15 # updates the image
Now when we check the replica sets
kubectl get replicasets # get replica sets
nginx-65899c769f   0 0 0       7m
nginx-6c9655f5bb   1 1 1       13s
From the above, we can notice that one more replica set was added and then the other replica set was brought down
kubectl rollout status deployment nginx
# check the status of a deployment rollout
kubectl rollout history deployment nginx
 # check the revisions in a deployment
○ → kubectl rollout history deployment nginx
1         <none>
2         <none>

How to monitor that a Pod is always running?

We can introduce probes. A liveness probe with a Pod is ideal in this scenario.
A liveness probe always checks if an application in a pod is running,  if this check fails the container gets restarted. This is ideal in many scenarios where the container is running but somehow the application inside a container crashes.
- name: liveness
image: k8s.gcr.io/liveness
- /server
        path: /healthz
What are the types of multi-container pod patterns? (Explain each type with examples)
A pod spec which runs the main container and a helper container that does some utility work, but that is not necessarily needed for the main container to work.
The adapter container will inspect the contents of the app's file, does some kind of restructuring and reformat it, and write the correctly formatted output to the location.
It connects containers with the outside world. It is a proxy that allows other containers to connect to a port on localhost.

What is the difference between replication controllers and replica sets?

The only difference between replication controllers and replica sets is the selectors. Replication controllers don't have selectors in their spec and also note that replication controllers are obsolete now in the latest version of Kubernetes.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: frontend
app: guestbook
tier: frontend
# modify replicas according to your case
replicas: 3
      tier: frontend
tier: frontend
- name: php-redis
image: gcr.io/google_samples/gb-frontend:v3
Reference: https://Kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicaset/

How do you tie service to a pod or to a set of pods?

By declaring pods with the label(s) and by having a selector in the service which acts as a glue to stick the service to the pods.
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: my-service
    app: MyApp
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
Let's say if we have a set of Pods that carry a label "app=MyApp" the service will start routing to those pods.

Having a Pod with two containers, can I ping each other? like using the container name?

Containers on same pod act as if they are on the same machine. You can ping them using localhost:port itself. Every container in a pod shares the same IP. You can `ping localhost` inside a pod. Two containers in the same pod share an IP and a network namespace and They are both localhost to each other. Discovery works like this: Component A's pods -> Service Of Component B -> Component B's pods and Services have domain names servicename.namespace.svc.cluster.local, the dns search path of pods by default includes that stuff, so a pod in namespace Foo can find a Service bar in same namespace Foo by connecting to `bar`
Does the rolling update with state full set replicas =1 makes sense?
No, because there is only 1 replica, any changes to state full set would result in an outage. So rolling update of a StatefulSet would need to tear down one (or more) old pods before replacing them. In case 2 replicas, a rolling update will create the second pod, which it will not be succeeded, the PD is locked by first (old) running pod, the rolling update is not deleting the first pod in time to release the lock on the PDisk in time for the second pod to use it. If there's only one that rolling update goes 1 -> 0 -> 1.f the app can run with multiple identical instances concurrently, use a Deployment and roll 1 -> 2 -> 1 instead.
Different Ways to provide API-Security on Kubernetes?
Use the correct auth mode with API server authorization-mode=Node,RBAC
Ensure all traffic is protected by TLS
Use API authentication (smaller cluster may use certificates but larger multi-tenants may want an AD or some OIDC authentication).
Make kubeless protect its API via authorization-mode=Webhook
Make sure the kube-dashboard uses a restrictive RBAC role policy
Monitor RBAC failures
Remove default ServiceAccount permissions
Filter egress to Cloud API metadata APIs
Filter out all traffic coming into kube-system namespace except DNS
A default deny policy on all inbound on all namespaces is good practice. You explicitly allow per deployment.
Use a podsecurity policy to have container restrictions and protect the Node
Keep kube at the latest version.
what does kube-proxy do?
kube-proxy does 2 things
for every Service, open a random port on the node and proxy that port to the Service.
install and maintain iptables rules which capture accesses to a virtual ip:port and redirect those to the port in (1)
The kube-proxy is a component that manages host sub-netting and makes services available to other components.Kubeproxy handles network communication and shutting down master does not stop a node from serving the traffic and kubeproxy works, in the same way, using a service. The iptables will route the connection to kubeproxy, which will then proxy to one of the pods in the service.kube-proxy translate the destination address to whatever is in the endpoints.
What runs inside the kubernetes worker nodes?
Container Runtime
Kubernetes Worker node is a machine where workloads get deployed. The workloads are in the form of containerised applications and because of that, every node in the cluster must run the container run time such as docker in order to run those workloads. You can have multiple masters mapped to multiple worker nodes or a single master having a single worker node. Also, the worker nodes are not gossiping or doing leader election or anything that would lead to odd-quantities. The role of the container run time is to start and managed containers. The kubelet is responsible for running the state of each node and it receives commands and works to do from the master. It also does the health check of the nodes and make sure they are healthy. Kubelet is also responsible for metric collectins of pods as well. The kube-proxy is a component that manages host subnetting and makes services available to other components.

Is there a way to make a pod to automatically come up when the host restarts?

Yes using replication controller but it may reschedule to another host if you have multiple nodes in the cluster
A replication controller is a supervisor for long-running pods. An RC will launch a specified number of pods called replicas and makes sure that they keep running. Replication Controller only supports the simple map-style `label: value` selectors. Also, Replication Controller and ReplicaSet aren't very different. You could think of ReplicaSet as Replication Controller. The only thing that is different today is the selector format. If pods are managed by a replication controller or replication set you can kill the pods and they'll be restarted automatically. The yaml definition is as given below:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
name: test
replicas: 3
app: test
name: test
app: test
name: test
image: image/test
containerPort: 80

Is there any other way to update configmap for deployment without pod restarts?

well you need to have some way of triggering the reload. ether do a check every minute or have a reload endpoint for an api or project the configmap as a volume, could use inotify to be aware of the change. Depends on how the configmap is consumed by the container. If env vars, then no. If a volumeMount, then the file is updated in the container ready to be consumed by the service but it needs to reload the file
The container does not restart. if the configmap is mounted as a volume it is updated dynamically. if it is an environment variable it stays as the old value until the container is restarted.volume mount the configmap into the pod, the projected file is updated periodically. NOT realtime. then have the app recognise if the config on disk has changed and reload

Do rolling updates declared with a deployment take effect if I manually delete pods of the replica set with kubectl delete pods or with the dashboard? Will the minimum required a number of pods be maintained?

Yes, the scheduler will make sure (as long as you have the correct resources) that the number of desired pods are met. If you delete a pod, it will recreate it. Also deleting a service won't delete the Replica set. if you remove Service or deployment you want to remove all resources which Service created. Also having a single replica for a deployment is usually not recommended because you cannot scale out and are treating in a specific way
Any app should be `Ingress` -> `Service` -> `Deployment` -> (volume mount or 3rd-party cloud storage)
You can skip ingress and just have `LoadBalancer (service)` -> `Deployment` (or Pod but they don't auto restart, deployments do)
what is the difference between externalIP and loadBalancerIP ?
loadBalancerIP is not a core Kubernetes concept, you need to have a cloud provider or controller like metallb set up the loadbalancer IP. When MetalLB sees a Service of type=LoadBalancer with a ClusterIP created, MetalLB allocates an IP from its pool and assigns it as that Service's External LoadBalanced IP.the externalIP, on the other hand, is set up by kubelet so that any traffic that is sent to any node with that externalIP as the final destination will get routed.`ExternalIP` assumes you already have control over said IP and that you have correctly arranged for traffic to that IP to eventually land at one or more of your cluster nodes and its is a tool for implementing your own load-balancing. Also you shouldn't use it on cloud platforms like GKE, you want to set `spec.loadBalancerIP` to the IP you preallocated. When you try to create the service using .`loadBalancerIP` instead of `externalIP`, it doesn't create the ephemeral port and the external IP address goes to `<pending>` and never updates.

In  Kubernetes - A Pod is running 2 containers, when One container stops - another Container is still running, on this event, I want to terminate this Pod?

You need to add a liveness and readiness probe to query each container,  if the probe fails, the entire pod will be restarted .add liveness object that calls any api that returns 200 to you from another container and both liveness and readiness probes run in infinite loops for example, If X depended to Y So add liveness  in X that check the health of Y.Both readiness/liveness probes always have to run after the container has been started .kubelet component performs the liveness/readiness checks and set initialDelaySeconds and it can be anything from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on app start time. Below is the configuration spec
livenessProbe spec:
path: /path/test/
port: 10000
initialDelaySeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 5
readinessProbe spec:
path: /path/test/
port: 10000
initialDelaySeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 5
what is the ingress, is it something that runs as a pod or on a pod?
An ingress is an object that holds a set of rules for an ingress controller, which is essentially a reverse proxy and is used to (in the case of nginx-ingress for example) render a configuration file. It allows access to your Kubernetes services from outside the Kubernetes cluster. It holds a set of rules. An Ingress Controller is a controller. Typically deployed as a Kubernetes Deployment. That deployment runs a reverse proxy, the ingress part, and a reconciler, the controller part. the reconciler configures the reverse proxy according to the rules in the ingress object. Ingress controllers watch the k8s api and update their config on changes. The rules help to pass to a controller that is listening for them. You can deploy a bunch of ingress rules, but nothing will happen unless you have a controller that can process them.
LoadBalancer service -> Ingress controller pods -> App service (via ingress) -> App pods

What happens if  daemonset can be set to listen on a specific interface since the Anycast IP will be assigned to a network interface alias

Yes, hostnetwork for the daemonset gets you to the host, so an interface with an Anycast IP should work. You'll have to proxy the data through the daemonset.Daemonset allows you to run the pod on the host network, so anycast is possible.Daemonset allows us to run the pod on the host network At the risk of being pedantic, any pod can be specified to run on the host network.  The only thing special about DaemonSet is you get one pod per host. Most of the issues with respect to IP space is solved by daemonsets. As kube-proxy is run as daemonset, the node has to be Ready for the kube-proxy daemonset to be up.
How to forward port `8080 (container) -> 8080 (service) -> 8080 (ingress) -> 80 (browser)` how is it done?
The ingress is exposing port 80 externally for the browser to access, and connecting to a service that listens on 8080. The ingress will listen on port 80 by default. An "ingress controller" is a pod that receives external traffic and handles the ingress  and is configured by an ingress resource For this you need to configure ingress selector and if no 'ingress controller selector' is specified then no ingress controller will control the ingress.
simple ingress Config will look like
host: abc.org
serviceName: abc-service
servicePort: 8080
Then the service will look like
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: abc-service
protocol: TCP
port: 8080 # this is the port the service listens on
targetPort: 8080

Are deployments with more than one replica automatically doing rolling updates when a new deployment config is applied?

The Deployment updates Pods in a rolling update fashion when .spec.strategy.type==RollingUpdate .You can specify maxUnavailable and maxSurge to control the rolling update process. Rolling update is the default deployment strategy.kubectl rolling-update updates Pods and ReplicationControllers in a similar fashion. But, Deployments are recommended, since they are declarative, and have additional features, such as rolling back to any previous revision even after the rolling update is done.So for rolling updates to work as one may expect, a readiness probe is essential. Redeploying deployments is easy but rolling updates will do it nicely for me without any downtime. The way to make a  rolling update of a Deployment and kubctl apply on it is as below
minReadySeconds: 180
replicas: 9
revisionHistoryLimit: 20
deployment: standard
name: standard-pod
maxSurge: 1
maxUnavailable: 1
type: RollingUpdate

If you have multiple containers in a Deployment file, does use the HorizontalPodAutoscaler scale all of the containers?
Yes, it would scale all of them, internally the deployment creates a replica set (which does the scaling), and then a set number of pods are made by that replica set. the pod is what actually holds both of those containers. and if you want to scale them independently they should be separate pods (and therefore replica sets, deployments, etc).so for hpa to work You need to specify min and max replicas   and the threshold what percentage of cpu and memory you want your pods to autoscale..without having the manually run kubectl autoscale deployment ,you can use the below yaml file to do the same
apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: app
maxReplicas: 15
minReplicas: 10
apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: Deployment
name: app targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 70
Suppose you have to use database with your application but well, if you make a database container-based deployment. how would the data persist?
Deployments are for stateless services, you want to use a StatefulSet or just define 3+ pods without a replication controller at all. If you care about stable pod names and volumes, you should go for StatefulSet.Using statefulsets you can maintain which pod is attached to which disk.StatefulSets make vanilla k8s capable of keeping Pod state (things like IPs, etc) which makes it easy to run clustered databases. A stateful set is a controller that orchestrates pods for the desired state. StatefulSets formerly known as PetSets will help for the database if hosting your own. Essentially StatefulSet is for dealing with applications that inherently don't care about what node they run on, but need unique storage/state.

If a pod exceeds its memory "limit" what signal is sent to the process?

SIGKILL as immediately terminates the container and spawns a new one with OOM error. The OS, if using a cgroup based containerisation (docker, rkt, etc), will do the OOM killing. Kubernetes simply sets the cgroup limits but is not ultimately responsible for killing the processes.`SIGTERM` is sent to PID 1 and k8s waits for (default of 30 seconds) `terminationGracePeriodSeconds` before sending the `SIGKILL` or you can change that time with terminationGracePeriodSeconds in the pod. As long as your container will eventually exit, it should be fine to have a long grace period. If you want a graceful restart it would have to do it inside the pod. If you don't want it killed, then you shouldn't set a memory `limit` on the pod and there's not a way to disable it for the whole node. Also, when the liveness probe fails, the container will SIGTERM and SIGKILL after some grace period.
Let’s say a Kubernetes job should finish in 40 seconds, however on a rare occasion it takes 5 minutes, How can I make sure to stop the application if it exceeds more than 40 seconds?
When we create a job spec, we can give --activeDeadlineSeconds flag to the command, this flag relates to the duration of the job, once the job reaches the threshold specified by the flag, the job will be terminated.
kind: CronJob
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
  name: mycronjob
  schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
activeDeadlineSeconds: 200
      name: google-check-job
          name: mypod
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
            - name: mycontainer
             image: alpine
             command: ["/bin/sh"]
             args: ["-c", "ping -w 1 google.com"]












How do you test a manifest without actually executing it?

use --dry-run flag to test the manifest. This is really useful not only to ensure if the yaml syntax is right for a particular Kubernetes object but also to ensure that a spec has required key-value pairs.
kubectl create -f < test.yaml> --dry-run
Let us now look at an example Pod spec that will launch an nginx pod
○ → cat example_pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-nginx
  namespace: mynamespace
    - name: my-nginx
      image: nginx
○ → kubectl create -f example_pod.yaml --dry-run
pod/my-nginx created (dry run)

How do you initiate a rollback for an application?

Rollback and rolling updates are a feature of Deployment object in the Kubernetes. We do the Rollback to an earlier Deployment revision if the current state of the Deployment is not stable due to the application code or the configuration. Each rollback updates the revision of the Deployment
○ → kubectl get deploy
nginx   1  1 1            1 15h
○ → kubectl rollout history deploy nginx
1         < none>
2         < none>
kubectl undo deploy < deploymentname>
○ → kubectl rollout undo deploy nginx
○ → kubectl rollout history deploy nginx
2         < none>
3         <none>
We can also check the history of the changes by the below command
kubectl rollout history deploy < deploymentname>

How do you package Kubernetes applications?

Helm is a package manager which allows users to package, configure, and deploy applications and services to the Kubernetes cluster.
helm init  # when you execute this command client is going to create a deployment in the cluster and that deployment will install the tiller, the server side of Helm
The packages we install through client are called charts. They are bundles of templatized manifests. All the templating work is done by the Tiller
helm search redis # searches for a specific application
helm install stable/redis # installs the application
helm ls # list the applications

What are init containers?

Generally, in Kubenetes, a pod can have many containers. Init container gets executed before any other containers run in the pod.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: myapp-pod
    app: myapp
    pod.beta.Kubernetes.io/init-containers: '[
            "name": "init-myservice",
            "image": "busybox",
            "command": ["sh", "-c", "until nslookup myservice; do echo waiting for myservice; sleep 2; done;"]
  - name: myapp-container
    image: busybox
    command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo The app is running! && sleep 3600']

What is node affinity and pod affinity?

Node Affinity ensures that pods are hosted on particular nodes.
Pod Affinity ensures two pods to be co-located in a single node.
Node Affinity
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: with-node-affinity
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: Kubernetes.io/e2e-az-name
            operator: In
            - e2e-az1
Pod Affinity
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: with-pod-affinity
      - labelSelector:
          - key: security
            operator: In
            - S1
The pod affinity rule says that the pod can be scheduled to a node only if that node is in the same zone as at least one already-running pod that has a label with key “security” and value “S1”
Reference: https://Kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/

How do you drain the traffic from a Pod during maintenance?

When we take the node for maintenance, pods inside the nodes also take a hit. However, we can avoid it by using the below command
kubectl drain < nodename>
When we run the above command it marks the node unschedulable for newer pods then the existing pods are evicted if the API Server supports eviction else it deletes the pods
Once the node is up and running and you want to add it in rotation we can run the below command
kubectl uncordon < nodename>
Note: If you prefer not to use kubectl drain (such as to avoid calling to an external command, or to get finer control over the pod eviction process), you can also programmatically cause evictions using the eviction API.
More info: https://Kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/safely-drain-node/

I have one POD and inside 2 containers are running one is Nginx and another one is  wordpress So, how can access these 2 containers from the Browser with IP address?

Just do port forward
kubectl port-forward [nginx-pod-name] 80:80
kubectl port-forward [wordpress-pod-name] drupal-port:wordpress-port
To make it permanent, you need to expose those through nodeports whenever you do kubectl port forward it adds a rule to the firewall to allow that traffic across nodes but by default that isn’t allowed since flannel or firewall probably blocks it.proxy tries to connect over the network of the apiserver host as you correctly found, port-forward on the other hand is a mechanism that the node kubelet exposes over its own API

If I have multiple containers running inside a pod, and I want to wait for a specific container to start before starting another one.

One way is  Init Containers are for one-shot tasks that start, run, end; all before the next init container or the main container start, but  if a client in one container wants to consume some resources exposed by some server provided by another container or If the server  ever crashes or is restarted, the client will need to retry connections. So the client can retry always, even if the server isn't up yet. The best way is sidecar pattern_ are where one container is the Main one, and other containers expose metrics or logs or encrypted tunnel or somesuch. In these cases, the other containers can be killed when the Main one is done/crashed/evicted.

What is the impact of upgrading kubelet if we leave the pods on the worker node - will it break running pods? why?

Restarting kubelet, which has to happen for an upgrade will cause all the Pods on the node to stop and be started again. It’s generally better to drain a node because that way Pods can be gracefully migrated, and things like Disruption Budgets can be honored. The problem is that `kubectl` keeps up with the state of all running pods, so when it goes away the containers don’t necessarily die, but as soon as it comes back up, they are all killed so `kubectl` can create a clean slate. As kubelet communicates with the apiserver, so if something happens in between of upgrade process, rescheduling of pods may take place and health checks may fail in between the process. During the restart, the kubelet will stop querying the API, so it won’t start/stop containers, and Heapster won’t be able to fetch system metrics from cAdvisor. Just make sure it’s not down for too long or the node will be removed from the cluster!
The service selects apps based on labels, so if no pods have appropriate labels, the service has nothing to route and labels can be anything you like. Since all pod names should be unique, you can just set the labels as the pod name. Since statesets create the same pods multiple times, they won't be configured with distinct labels you could use to point disparate services to the correct pod. If you gave the pods their own labels manually it will work. Also, service selects pods based on selector as well their location label as well Below .yaml file of Grafana dashboard service shows the same
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: grafanaportforward
namespace: kubeflow
run: grafana-test
- port: 3000
protocol: TCP
name: grafana
- x.y.x.q
app: grafana-test

Does the container restart When applying/updating the secret object (kubectl apply -f mysecret.yml)?  If not, how is the new password applied to the database?
If you are mounting the secret as a volume into your pod, when the secret is updated the content will be updated in your pod, without the pod restarting. It's up to your application to detect that change and reload, or to write your own logic that rolls the pods if the secret changes .volumeMount controls what part of the secret volume is mounted into a particular container (defaults to the root, containing all those files, but can point to a specific file using `subPath`), and where in the container it should be mounted with `mountPath`.Example spec is below
- readOnly: true
mountPath: /certs/server
name: my-new-server-cert
- name: server-cert
secretName: mysecret

Also, it depends on how the secret is consumed by a container. If env vars, then no. If a volumeMount, then the file is updated in the container ready to be consumed by the service but it needs to reload the file. The container does not restart. if the secret is mounted as a volume it is updated dynamically. if it is an environment variable it stays as the old value until the container is restarted
How should you connect an app pod with a database pod?
By using a service object. reason being, if the database pod goes away, it's going to come up with a different name and IP address.  Which means the connection string would need to be updated every time, managing that is difficult. The service proxies traffic to pods and it also helps in load balancing of traffic if you have multiple pods to talk to. It has its own IP and as long as service exists pod referencing this service in upstream will work and if the pods behind the service are not running, a pod will not see that and will try to forward the traffic but it will return a 502 bad gateway.So just defined the Service and then bring up your Pods with the proper label so the Service will pick them up.

How to configure a default ImagePullSecret for any deployment?

You can attach an image pull secret to a service account. Any pod using that service account (including default) can take advantage of the secret.you can bind the pullSecret to your pod, but you’re still left with having to create the secret every time you make a namespace.
name: test
Also, you can   Create the rc/deployment manually and either specify the imagepullsecret or a service account that has the secret or add the imagepullsecret to the default service account, in which case you'd be able to use `kubectl run` and not have to make any manual changes to the manifest. Depending on your environment and how secret this imagepullsecret is, will change how you approach it.

When deploying you will get an error of mounting as read-only, which is effecting to fluent to read some of the mentioned sources in the configmap.how can we avoid this read-only error?

configmaps are always mounted read-only. if you need to modify a configmap in a pod, you should copy it from the configmap mount to a regular file in the pod and then modify it. To solve this issue we should use an init container to mount the configmap, copy the configmap into an `emptyDir` volume and share the volume with the main container.
configmaps are mounted read-only so that you can't touch the files. when the master configmap changes the mounted file also changes. so if you were to modify the local mounted file, it would be overwritten anyways.
if the config map is mounted into the pod as a volume, it will automatically update not instantly and the files will change inside the container. If it is an environment variable it stays as the old value until the container is restarted
For example: create a new config.yaml with your custom values
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: testconfig
namespace: default
config.yaml: |
Then create a pod definition, referencing the ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: testobject
serviceAccountName: testobject
name: testobject
image: test/appv1
name: config-volume
mountPath: /app/config.yaml
subPath: config.yaml
name: config-volume
name: testconfig
restartPolicy: Never

What is the difference between config map and secret? (Differentiate the answers as with examples)

Config maps ideally stores application configuration in a plain text format whereas Secrets store sensitive data like password in an encrypted format. Both config maps and secrets can be used as volume and mounted inside a pod through a pod definition file.
Config map:
                 kubectl create configmap myconfigmap
echo -n ‘admin’ > ./username.txt
echo -n ‘abcd1234’ ./password.txt
kubectl create secret generic mysecret --from-file=./username.txt --from-file=./password.txt

If a node is tainted, is there a way to still schedule the pods to that node?

When a node is tainted, the pods don't get scheduled by default, however, if we have to still schedule a pod to a tainted node we can start applying tolerations to the pod spec.
Apply a taint to a node:
kubectl taint nodes node1 key=value:NoSchedule
Apply toleration to a pod:
- key: "key"
operator: "Equal"
value: "value"
effect: "NoSchedule"
The mapping between persistentVolume and persistentVolumeClaim is always one to one. Even When you delete the claim, PersistentVolume still remains as we set persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy is set to Retain and It will not be reused by any other claims. Below is the spec to create the Persistent Volume.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: mypv
storage: 5Gi
volumeMode: Filesystem
- ReadWriteOnce
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain

What kind of object do you create, when your dashboard like application, queries the Kubernetes API to get some data?

You should be creating serviceAccount. A service account creates a token and tokens are stored inside a secret object. By default Kubernetes automatically mounts the default service account. However, we can disable this property by setting automountServiceAccountToken: false in our spec. Also, note each namespace will have a service account
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: my-sa
automountServiceAccountToken: false

What is the difference between a Pod and a Job? Differentiate the answers as with examples)

A Pod always ensure that a container is running whereas the Job ensures that the pods run to its completion. Job is to do a finite task.
kubectl run mypod1 --image=nginx --restart=Never
kubectl run mypod2 --image=nginx --restart=onFailure
○ → kubectl get pods
mypod1         1/1 Running   0 59s
○ → kubectl get job
mypod1   1 0             19s

How do you deploy a feature with zero downtime in Kubernetes?

By default Deployment in Kubernetes using RollingUpdate as a strategy. Let's say we have an example that creates a deployment in Kubernetes
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx # creates a deployment
○ → kubectl get deploy
nginx   1  1 1            0 7s
Now let’s assume we are going to update the nginx image
kubectl set image deployment nginx nginx=nginx:1.15 # updates the image
Now when we check the replica sets
kubectl get replicasets # get replica sets
nginx-65899c769f   0 0 0       7m
nginx-6c9655f5bb   1 1 1       13s
From the above, we can notice that one more replica set was added and then the other replica set was brought down
kubectl rollout status deployment nginx
# check the status of a deployment rollout
kubectl rollout history deployment nginx
 # check the revisions in a deployment
○ → kubectl rollout history deployment nginx
1         <none>
2         <none>
How to monitor that a Pod is always running?
We can introduce probes. A liveness probe with a Pod is ideal in this scenario.
A liveness probe always checks if an application in a pod is running,  if this check fails the container gets restarted. This is ideal in many scenarios where the container is running but somehow the application inside a container crashes.
- name: liveness
image: k8s.gcr.io/liveness
- /server
        path: /healthz

What are the types of multi-container pod patterns? (Explain each type with examples)

A pod spec which runs the main container and a helper container that does some utility work, but that is not necessarily needed for the main container to work.
The adapter container will inspect the contents of the app's file, does some kind of restructuring and reformat it, and write the correctly formatted output to the location.
It connects containers with the outside world. It is a proxy that allows other containers to connect to a port on localhost.

What is the difference between replication controllers and replica sets?

The only difference between replication controllers and replica sets is the selectors. Replication controllers don't have selectors in their spec and also note that replication controllers are obsolete now in the latest version of Kubernetes.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: frontend
app: guestbook
tier: frontend
# modify replicas according to your case
replicas: 3
      tier: frontend
tier: frontend
- name: php-redis
image: gcr.io/google_samples/gb-frontend:v3
Reference: https://Kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicaset/

How do you tie service to a pod or to a set of pods?

By declaring pods with the label(s) and by having a selector in the service which acts as a glue to stick the service to the pods.
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: my-service
    app: MyApp
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
Let's say if we have a set of Pods that carry a label "app=MyApp" the service will start routing to those pods.

Having a Pod with two containers, can I ping each other? like using the container name?

Containers on same pod act as if they are on the same machine. You can ping them using localhost:port itself. Every container in a pod shares the same IP. You can `ping localhost` inside a pod. Two containers in the same pod share an IP and a network namespace and They are both localhost to each other. Discovery works like this: Component A's pods -> Service Of Component B -> Component B's pods and Services have domain names servicename.namespace.svc.cluster.local, the dns search path of pods by default includes that stuff, so a pod in namespace Foo can find a Service bar in same namespace Foo by connecting to `bar`
Does the rolling update with state full set replicas =1 makes sense?
No, because there is only 1 replica, any changes to state full set would result in an outage. So rolling update of a StatefulSet would need to tear down one (or more) old pods before replacing them. In case 2 replicas, a rolling update will create the second pod, which it will not be succeeded, the PD is locked by first (old) running pod, the rolling update is not deleting the first pod in time to release the lock on the PDisk in time for the second pod to use it. If there's only one that rolling update goes 1 -> 0 -> 1.f the app can run with multiple identical instances concurrently, use a Deployment and roll 1 -> 2 -> 1 instead.
Different Ways to provide API-Security on Kubernetes?
Use the correct auth mode with API server authorization-mode=Node,RBAC
Ensure all traffic is protected by TLS
Use API authentication (smaller cluster may use certificates but larger multi-tenants may want an AD or some OIDC authentication).
Make kubeless protect its API via authorization-mode=Webhook
Make sure the kube-dashboard uses a restrictive RBAC role policy
Monitor RBAC failures
Remove default ServiceAccount permissions
Filter egress to Cloud API metadata APIs
Filter out all traffic coming into kube-system namespace except DNS
A default deny policy on all inbound on all namespaces is good practice. You explicitly allow per deployment.
Use a podsecurity policy to have container restrictions and protect the Node
Keep kube at the latest version.

what does kube-proxy do?

kube-proxy does 2 things
for every Service, open a random port on the node and proxy that port to the Service.
install and maintain iptables rules which capture accesses to a virtual ip:port and redirect those to the port in (1)
The kube-proxy is a component that manages host sub-netting and makes services available to other components.Kubeproxy handles network communication and shutting down master does not stop a node from serving the traffic and kubeproxy works, in the same way, using a service. The iptables will route the connection to kubeproxy, which will then proxy to one of the pods in the service.kube-proxy translate the destination address to whatever is in the endpoints.
What runs inside the kubernetes worker nodes?
Container Runtime
Kubernetes Worker node is a machine where workloads get deployed. The workloads are in the form of containerised applications and because of that, every node in the cluster must run the container run time such as docker in order to run those workloads. You can have multiple masters mapped to multiple worker nodes or a single master having a single worker node. Also, the worker nodes are not gossiping or doing leader election or anything that would lead to odd-quantities. The role of the container run time is to start and managed containers. The kubelet is responsible for running the state of each node and it receives commands and works to do from the master. It also does the health check of the nodes and make sure they are healthy. Kubelet is also responsible for metric collectins of pods as well. The kube-proxy is a component that manages host subnetting and makes services available to other components.

Is there a way to make a pod to automatically come up when the host restarts?

Yes using replication controller but it may reschedule to another host if you have multiple nodes in the cluster
A replication controller is a supervisor for long-running pods. An RC will launch a specified number of pods called replicas and makes sure that they keep running. Replication Controller only supports the simple map-style `label: value` selectors. Also, Replication Controller and ReplicaSet aren't very different. You could think of ReplicaSet as Replication Controller. The only thing that is different today is the selector format. If pods are managed by a replication controller or replication set you can kill the pods and they'll be restarted automatically. The yaml definition is as given below:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
name: test
replicas: 3
app: test
name: test
app: test
name: test
image: image/test
containerPort: 80

Is there any other way to update configmap for deployment without pod restarts?

well you need to have some way of triggering the reload. ether do a check every minute or have a reload endpoint for an api or project the configmap as a volume, could use inotify to be aware of the change. Depends on how the configmap is consumed by the container. If env vars, then no. If a volumeMount, then the file is updated in the container ready to be consumed by the service but it needs to reload the file
The container does not restart. if the configmap is mounted as a volume it is updated dynamically. if it is an environment variable it stays as the old value until the container is restarted.volume mount the configmap into the pod, the projected file is updated periodically. NOT realtime. then have the app recognise if the config on disk has changed and reload
Do rolling updates declared with a deployment take effect if I manually delete pods of the replica set with kubectl delete pods or with the dashboard? Will the minimum required a number of pods be maintained?
Yes, the scheduler will make sure (as long as you have the correct resources) that the number of desired pods are met. If you delete a pod, it will recreate it. Also deleting a service won't delete the Replica set. if you remove Service or deployment you want to remove all resources which Service created. Also having a single replica for a deployment is usually not recommended because you cannot scale out and are treating in a specific way
Any app should be `Ingress` -> `Service` -> `Deployment` -> (volume mount or 3rd-party cloud storage)
You can skip ingress and just have `LoadBalancer (service)` -> `Deployment` (or Pod but they don't auto restart, deployments do)

what is the difference between externalIP and loadBalancerIP ?

loadBalancerIP is not a core Kubernetes concept, you need to have a cloud provider or controller like metallb set up the loadbalancer IP. When MetalLB sees a Service of type=LoadBalancer with a ClusterIP created, MetalLB allocates an IP from its pool and assigns it as that Service's External LoadBalanced IP.the externalIP, on the other hand, is set up by kubelet so that any traffic that is sent to any node with that externalIP as the final destination will get routed.`ExternalIP` assumes you already have control over said IP and that you have correctly arranged for traffic to that IP to eventually land at one or more of your cluster nodes and its is a tool for implementing your own load-balancing. Also you shouldn't use it on cloud platforms like GKE, you want to set `spec.loadBalancerIP` to the IP you preallocated. When you try to create the service using .`loadBalancerIP` instead of `externalIP`, it doesn't create the ephemeral port and the external IP address goes to `<pending>` and never updates.

In  Kubernetes - A Pod is running 2 containers, when One container stops - another Container is still running, on this event, I want to terminate this Pod?

You need to add a liveness and readiness probe to query each container,  if the probe fails, the entire pod will be restarted .add liveness object that calls any api that returns 200 to you from another container and both liveness and readiness probes run in infinite loops for example, If X depended to Y So add liveness  in X that check the health of Y.Both readiness/liveness probes always have to run after the container has been started .kubelet component performs the liveness/readiness checks and set initialDelaySeconds and it can be anything from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on app start time. Below is the configuration spec
livenessProbe spec:
path: /path/test/
port: 10000
initialDelaySeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 5
readinessProbe spec:
path: /path/test/
port: 10000
initialDelaySeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 5

what is the ingress, is it something that runs as a pod or on a pod?

An ingress is an object that holds a set of rules for an ingress controller, which is essentially a reverse proxy and is used to (in the case of nginx-ingress for example) render a configuration file. It allows access to your Kubernetes services from outside the Kubernetes cluster. It holds a set of rules. An Ingress Controller is a controller. Typically deployed as a Kubernetes Deployment. That deployment runs a reverse proxy, the ingress part, and a reconciler, the controller part. the reconciler configures the reverse proxy according to the rules in the ingress object. Ingress controllers watch the k8s api and update their config on changes. The rules help to pass to a controller that is listening for them. You can deploy a bunch of ingress rules, but nothing will happen unless you have a controller that can process them.
LoadBalancer service -> Ingress controller pods -> App service (via ingress) -> App pods

What happens if  daemonset can be set to listen on a specific interface since the Anycast IP will be assigned to a network interface alias

Yes, hostnetwork for the daemonset gets you to the host, so an interface with an Anycast IP should work. You'll have to proxy the data through the daemonset.Daemonset allows you to run the pod on the host network, so anycast is possible.Daemonset allows us to run the pod on the host network At the risk of being pedantic, any pod can be specified to run on the host network.  The only thing special about DaemonSet is you get one pod per host. Most of the issues with respect to IP space is solved by daemonsets. As kube-proxy is run as daemonset, the node has to be Ready for the kube-proxy daemonset to be up.
How to forward port `8080 (container) -> 8080 (service) -> 8080 (ingress) -> 80 (browser)` how is it done?
The ingress is exposing port 80 externally for the browser to access, and connecting to a service that listens on 8080. The ingress will listen on port 80 by default. An "ingress controller" is a pod that receives external traffic and handles the ingress  and is configured by an ingress resource For this you need to configure ingress selector and if no 'ingress controller selector' is specified then no ingress controller will control the ingress.
simple ingress Config will look like
host: abc.org
serviceName: abc-service
servicePort: 8080
Then the service will look like
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: abc-service
protocol: TCP
port: 8080 # this is the port the service listens on
targetPort: 8080

Are deployments with more than one replica automatically doing rolling updates when a new deployment config is applied?

The Deployment updates Pods in a rolling update fashion when .spec.strategy.type==RollingUpdate .You can specify maxUnavailable and maxSurge to control the rolling update process. Rolling update is the default deployment strategy.kubectl rolling-update updates Pods and ReplicationControllers in a similar fashion. But, Deployments are recommended, since they are declarative, and have additional features, such as rolling back to any previous revision even after the rolling update is done.So for rolling updates to work as one may expect, a readiness probe is essential. Redeploying deployments is easy but rolling updates will do it nicely for me without any downtime. The way to make a  rolling update of a Deployment and kubctl apply on it is as below
minReadySeconds: 180
replicas: 9
revisionHistoryLimit: 20
deployment: standard
name: standard-pod
maxSurge: 1
maxUnavailable: 1
type: RollingUpdate
If you have multiple containers in a Deployment file, does use the HorizontalPodAutoscaler scale all of the containers?
Yes, it would scale all of them, internally the deployment creates a replica set (which does the scaling), and then a set number of pods are made by that replica set. the pod is what actually holds both of those containers. and if you want to scale them independently they should be separate pods (and therefore replica sets, deployments, etc).so for hpa to work You need to specify min and max replicas   and the threshold what percentage of cpu and memory you want your pods to autoscale..without having the manually run kubectl autoscale deployment ,you can use the below yaml file to do the same
apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: app
maxReplicas: 15
minReplicas: 10
apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: Deployment
name: app targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 70
Suppose you have to use database with your application but well, if you make a database container-based deployment. how would the data persist?
Deployments are for stateless services, you want to use a StatefulSet or just define 3+ pods without a replication controller at all. If you care about stable pod names and volumes, you should go for StatefulSet.Using statefulsets you can maintain which pod is attached to which disk.StatefulSets make vanilla k8s capable of keeping Pod state (things like IPs, etc) which makes it easy to run clustered databases. A stateful set is a controller that orchestrates pods for the desired state. StatefulSets formerly known as PetSets will help for the database if hosting your own. Essentially StatefulSet is for dealing with applications that inherently don't care about what node they run on, but need unique storage/state.

If a pod exceeds its memory "limit" what signal is sent to the process?

SIGKILL as immediately terminates the container and spawns a new one with OOM error. The OS, if using a cgroup based containerisation (docker, rkt, etc), will do the OOM killing. Kubernetes simply sets the cgroup limits but is not ultimately responsible for killing the processes.`SIGTERM` is sent to PID 1 and k8s waits for (default of 30 seconds) `terminationGracePeriodSeconds` before sending the `SIGKILL` or you can change that time with terminationGracePeriodSeconds in the pod. As long as your container will eventually exit, it should be fine to have a long grace period. If you want a graceful restart it would have to do it inside the pod. If you don't want it killed, then you shouldn't set a memory `limit` on the pod and there's not a way to disable it for the whole node. Also, when the liveness probe fails, the container will SIGTERM and SIGKILL after some grace period.                              

How Kubernetes is related to docker?

This is one of the most important question ever asked in an interview. Though we compare Docker Vs Kubernetes, it is an apple-to-orange comparison. Reason – They are both fundamentally different technologies but they work very well together, and both facilitate the management and deployment of containers in a distributed architecture.

Let me elaborate –

Docker started as a GITHUB project back in 2013(which is almost 5+ years from now). Slowly it grew massively with HUGE contributors across the world. Today it is a platform which is shipped as both – an open source as well as a commercial product. The orchestration is just a mere feature of Docker Enterprise Edition.

But if we really want to study how K8s is related to Docker, then the most preferred answer would be –

Docker CLI provides the mechanism for managing the life cycle of the containers. Where as the docker image defines the build time framework of runtime containers. CLI commands are there to start, stop, restart and perform lifecycle operations on these containers. Containers can be orchestrated and can be made to run on multiple hosts. The questions that need to be answered are how these containers are coordinated and scheduled? And how will the application running in these containers will communicate each other?

Kubernetes is the answer. Today, Kubernetes mostly uses Docker to package, instantiate, and run containerized applications. Said that there are various another container runtime available but Docker is the most popular runtime binary used by Kubernetes.

Both Kubernetes and Docker build a comprehensive standard for managing the containerized applications intelligently along with providing powerful capabilities.Docker provides a platform for building running and distributing Docker containers. Docker brings up its own clustering tool which can be used for orchestration. But Kubernetes is a orchestration platform for Docker containers which is more extensive than the Docker clustering tool, and has capacity to scale to the production level. Kubernetes is a container orchestration system for Docker containers that is more extensive than Docker Swarm and is meant to coordinate clusters of nodes at scale in production in an efficient manner.  Kubernetes is a plug and play architecture for the container orchestration which provides features like high availability among the distributed nodes

How Kubernetes simplify the containerized application deployment process?

A application deployment requires , web tier , application tier and database tier . All these requirements will spawn multiple containers and these containers should communicate among each other . Kubernetes cluster will take care of the whole system and orchestrates the container needs .

Let us look at a quick WordPress application example. WordPress application consists of frontend(WordPress running on PHP and Apache) and backend(MySQL). The below YAML file can help you specify everything you will need to bring WordPress Application in a single shot:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: wordpress
   app: wordpress
   - port: 80
   app: wordpress
   tier: frontend
type: LoadBalancer
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: wp-pv-claim
   app: wordpress
storageClassName: manual
   - ReadWriteOnce
     storage: 2Gi
apiVersion: apps/v1 # for versions before 1.9.0 use apps/v1beta2
kind: Deployment
name: wordpress
   app: wordpress
storageClassName: manual
     app: wordpress
     tier: frontend
   type: Recreate
       app: wordpress
       tier: frontend
     - image: wordpress:4.8-apache
       name: wordpress
       - name: WORDPRESS_DB_HOST
         value: wordpress-mysql
             name: mysql-pass
             key: password
       - containerPort: 80
         name: wordpress
       - name: wordpress-persistent-storage
         mountPath: /var/www/html
     - name: wordpress-persistent-storage
         claimName: wp-pv-claim

I assume that you have n-node Kubernetes cluster running in your infrastructure. All you need is to run the below command:

kubectl create -f wordpress-deployment.yaml

           That’s it. Browse to http://<IP>:80 port to open to see WordPress App up and running. Hence, we saw that how Kubernetes simplifies the application deployment.

How to Install Kubernetes?

Install below packages on all of your machines:

  • kubeadm: the command to bootstrap the cluster.
  • kubelet: the component that runs on all of the machines in your cluster and does things like starting pods and containers.
  • kubectl: the command line util to talk to your cluster.

Note : kubeadm will not install or manage kubelet or kubectl for you, so you will need to ensure they match the version of the Kubernetes control panel you want kubeadm to install for you.

If you do not, there is a risk of a version skew occurring that can lead to unexpected, buggy behavior.

However, one minor version skew between the kubelet and the control plane is supported, but the kubelet version may never exceed the API server version. For example, kubelet running 1.7.0 should be fully compatible with a 1.8.0 API server, but not vice versa.

Below is the example for installing in Debian or Ubuntu flavours

# apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl
# curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key add -
cat <<EOF >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
deb http://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main
# apt-get update
# apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
# apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl

Configure cgroup driver used by kubelet on Master Node

When using Docker, kubeadm will automatically detect the cgroup driver for the kubelet and set it in the /var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env file during runtime.

If you are using a different CRI, you have to modify the file /etc/default/kubelet with your cgroup-driver value, like so:


This file will be used by kubeadm init and kubeadm join to source extra user-defined arguments for the kubelet.

Please mind, that you only have to do that if the cgroup driver of your CRI is not cgroupfs, because that is the default value in the kubelet already.

Restarting the kubelet is required:

# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart kubelet
Explain the Architecture Layers of Kubernetes?

Kubernetes can be visualized as a system built in layers, with each higher layer abstracting the complexity found in the lower levels.

Base Layer

At the base, Kubernetes makes a cluster which is a collection of hosts storage and networking resources that Kubernetes uses to run the various workloads that comprise the system . Cluster groups together a large fleet of machines into a single unit that can be consumed .

Mid Layer

The machines in the cluster are each given a role within the Kubernetes ecosystem.

The MASTER is the control plane of Kubernetes having functionalities like Authorization and authentication , RESTful API entry point. Master comprises of components, such as an API server , scheduler, and controller manager. The master is responsible for the global, cluster-level scheduling of pods and handling of events.

  • The other machines in the cluster are designated as nodes:

Nodes are managed by a Kubernetes master. The nodes are worker bees of Kubernetes and do all the processing and hardwork . Each node has a container runtime , receives instructions from master node , creates / destroys container as per the workload and enroutes traffic appropriately

Application Layer/ Final Layer

Kubernetes itself is a somewhat complicated distributed system which runs on API approach .

  • To run an application , a plan is submitted in yaml or json
  • The master server runs the plan by examining the requirements and current state of the cluster
  • All user interact with the cluster by the help of API ecosystem implemented by control plane of the master server 
  • Next comes the scheduler and controller-manager components that keeps the cluster functioning correctly 
  • In the last its the workers that will take the pain and provides the output for the job
List out the Master Server Components of Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is a combination of multiple parts working together to get the container job done and the most vital part of it is Master node . The node acts as brain to the cluster and manages the whole ecosystem .

Master connects to etcd via HTTP or HTTPS to store the data and also connects flannel to access the container application.

Worker nodes engage with master via HTTP or HTTPS to get a command and report the status.

Overlay network makes connections of their container applications. All of it will be discussed below for more in-depth

Below are the mentioned components :


  • The heart of any Kubernetes cluster that implements a distributed key value store where all of the objects in a kubernetes cluster are persisted . 
  • It works on a algorithm which has replication techniques across servers to maintain the data stored in etcd . 
  • Optimistic concurrency is also used to compare-and-swap data across etcd server , when a user reads and update a value , the system checks that no other component in the system has updated the same value . This technique removes the locking mechanism that increases the server throughput .
  • Another technique known as watch protocol , which accounts for changes made in key value pair in etcd directory . Its improves efficiency to the client as it wait for the changes and then react to the change without continuous polling to the server .


As the name connects , its a server that provides an HTTP- or HTTPS-based RESTful API that is allowed to have direct access to the Kubernetes cluster .

  • Its a connector between all the kubernetes components and mediates all interactions between clients and the API objects stored in etcd .
  • Api server database is external to it , so it is a stateless server which is replicated 3 times to implement fault-tolerance
  • The APIs are exposed and managed by the server , the characteristics of those API requests must be described so that the client and server know how to communicate .
  • Define API pattern where the request is defined like api paths or groups.
  • Internal loops are responsible for background operations like CRD (Custom Resource Definitions) which inherently creates new paths for API requests


The controller manager is a general service that has many responsibilities.

  • Controller manager is a collection of control loops rolled up into one binary
  • Manages Kubernetes nodes
  • The control loops needed to implement the functionality like replica sets and deployments are run by Manager
  • Creates and updates the Kubernetes internal information
  • changes the current status to the desired status


  • It is a simple algorithm that defines the priority to dispatch and is responsible for scheduling pods into nodes .
  • is continuously scanning the API server (with watch protocol) for Pods which don’t have a nodeName and are eligible for scheduling
  • Node affinity provide a simple way to guarantee that a Pod lands on a particular node
  • Predicates is a concept that helps in making correct resource requirements for the pods
  • Data locality
List the Node Server Components of Kubernetes ?

In Kubernetes, servers that perform work by running containers are known as nodes. Execution of jobs and reporting the status back to the master are the primary tasks on Node server .


The main process on Kubernetes node that performs major container operations .

  • The Kubelet is the node-daemon that communicates with Kubernetes master for all machines that are part of a Kubernetes cluster. 
  • It periodically access the controller to check and report the status of the cluster
  • It merges the available CPU, disk and memory for a node into the large Kubernetes cluster.
  • Communicates the state of containers back up to the api-server for control loops to observe the current state of the containers.


  • The kube proxy implements load-balancer networking model on each node. 
  • It makes the Kubernetes services locally and can do TCP and UDP forwarding.
  • The kube-proxy programs the network on its node, so that network requests to the virtual IP address of a service, are in-fact routed to the endpoints which implement this service
  • It finds cluster IPs via environment variables or DNS.
  • Routes traffic from Pods on the machine to Pods, anywhere in the cluster

List out Kubernetes Objects and Workloads?

Kubernetes object model provides set of features to manage containers and interact with instances.

Here are the few listed different types of objects used to define workloads.

Pods : Pod is the basic unit in the Kubernetes Object Model. In Kubernetes containers are not attached to hosts directly, instead one or more containers are tightly coupled form an encapsulated object called pod.

Replication Controllers and Replication Sets : know as replication of pods. These are created from pod templates and can be horizontally scaled by controllers known as replication controllers and replication sets.

Deployments : Deployments are one of the most common workloads to directly create and manage. Deployments use replication sets as a building block, adding flexible life cycle management functionality to the mix.

Stateful Sets : Stateful sets are specialized pod controllers that offer ordering and uniqueness guarantees. For instance, stateful sets are often associated with data-oriented applications, like databases, which need access to the same volumes even if rescheduled to a new node.

Daemon Sets : Daemon sets are another specialized form of pod controller that run a copy of a pod on each node in the cluster . This is most often useful when deploying pods that help perform maintenance and provide services for the nodes themselves.

Jobs and Cron Jobs : Kubernetes uses a workload called jobs to provide a more task-based workflow where the running containers are expected to exit successfully after some time once they have completed their work. Jobs are useful if you need to perform one-off or batch processing instead of running a continuous service.

Explain the Replication Controllers and Replication Sets in Kubernetes ?

ReplicationController makes sure that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any point of time. Specifically ReplicationController ensures that a pod or set of pods are homogeneous in nature and are always up and running.

ReplicationController always maintains desired number of pods, if the number exceeds then it will terminate extra pods, or if the number decreases extra pods will be created. The pods maintained by a ReplicationController are automatically replaced if they fail, are deleted, or are terminated. Replication controllers can also perform rolling updates to roll over a set of pods to a new version one by one, minimizing the impact on application availability.

Replication sets are an iteration on the replication controller design with greater flexibility in how the controller identifies the pods it is meant to manage. Replication sets are much more advanced than ReplicationController as they have greater replica selection capabilities, but they dont have the rolling updates capabilities.

Creating a replication controller

To create replication controllers, use the subcommand run after kubectl.

# kubectl run my-first-rc --image=nginx
my-first-rc   my-first-rc    nginx      run=my-first-rc   1

Above command is creating a replication controller by image nginx .The name, my-first-rc, must be unique in all replication controllers.

Without specified number of replicas, the system will only build one pod as its default value

Explain Pods in Kubernetes Context

Pod is a single or bunch of containers that is controlled as a single application

  • Containers inside the Pod operate closely together and share a common life cycle, but has to be scheduled on the same node. 
  • Pods are managed as a unit and share common environment wrt volume and IP address space.
  • Every Pods consists of master container that satisfies of balancing the workload among the other containers that facilitate to orchestrate other related tasks.
  • For example, a pod may have one container running the primary application server and a helper container pulling down files to the shared file system when changes are detected in an external repository. 
  • Users are recommended not to manage pods themselves, because they might miss few features specifically needed in applications. 
  • Users are advised to operate with the objects that use pod templates as base components and add additional functionality to them.

Use Secrets in Pods

To use Secrets inside Pods, choose to expose pods in environment variables or mount the Secrets as volumes.

In terms of accessing Secrets inside a Pod, add env section inside the container spec

// using access-token Secret inside a Pod# cat 2-7-2_env.yamlapiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:   name: secret-pod-envspec:  containers:  – name: ubuntu    image: ubuntu    command: [“/bin/sh”, “-c”, “while : ;do echo $ACCESS_TOKEN; sleep 10; done”]    env:        – name: ACCESS_TOKEN          valueFrom:            secretKeyRef:              name: access-token              key: 2-7-1_access-token// create a pod# kubectl create -f 2-7-2_env.yamlpod “secret-pod-env” created

Below example, expose 2-7-1_access-token key in access-token Secret as ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable, and print it out through a while infinite loop .

// check stdout logs# kubectl logs -f secret-pod-env9S!g0U616456r

Explain stateful sets

During regular deployment process, all the instances of a pod are identical,and these stateless applications can be easily scaled up and down. In a PetSet, each pod is unique and is been assigned with unique identifier that needs to be maintained. This is technique is generally used for more stateful applications.

Example creating Stateful Set

Use the following command to get to start the creation of this StatefulSet

$ kubectl create -f abc-statefulset.yaml

Use get subcommand to see stateful sets:

$ kubectl get statefulsets$ kubectl get pods

Get the volumes the set has created and claim for each pod :

$ kubectl get pv

Explain Daemon sets

A DaemonSet is a set of pods that is run only once on a host. It’s used for host-layer features, for instance a network, host monitoring or storage plugin or other things which you would never want to run more than once on a host.

  1. Explain Master

Master is the central control point that provides a unified view of the cluster. There is a single master node that control multiple minions.

Master servers work together to accept user requests, determine the best ways to schedule workload containers, authenticate clients and nodes, adjust cluster-wide networking, and manage scaling and health checking responsibilities

  1. Explain Minions

A node is a worker machine in Kubernetes, previously known as a minion. A node may be a VM or physical machine, depending on the cluster. Each node contains the services necessary to run pods and is managed by the master components. The services on a node include the container runtime, kubelet and kube-proxy.

  1. ExplainVolumes and Persistent Volumes in kubernetes

A Kubernetes volume, on the other hand, the same as the Pod that encloses it. Consequently, a volume outlives any Containers that run within the Pod, and data is preserved across Container restarts. Of course, when a Pod ceases to exist, the volume will cease to exist, too. Perhaps more importantly than this, Kubernetes supports many types of volumes, and a Pod can use any number of them simultaneously.

The PersistentVolume subsystem provides an API for users and administrators that abstracts details of how storage is provided from how it is consumed. To do this we introduce two new API resources:PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim.

A PersistentVolume (PV) is a storage in the cluster that has to be provisioned by an administrator and it is a cluster resource. PVs are volume plugins like Volumes, but have a life cycle independent of any individual pod that uses the PV.

This API object captures the details of the implementation of the storage, be that NFS, iSCSI, or a cloud-provider-specific storage system.

A PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is a request for storage by a user. It is similar to a pod. Pods consume node resources and PVCs consume PV resources. Pods can request specific levels of resources (CPU and Memory). Claims can request specific size and access modes

Explain Labels and Annotations in kubernetes

Label in Kubernetes is meaningful tag word that can be attached to Kubernetes objects to make them as a part of a group.

Labels can be used for working on different instances for management or routing purposes.

For example, the controller-based objects use labels to mark the pods that they should operate on. Micro Services use labels to understand the structure of backend pods they should route requests to.

Labels are key-value pairs. Each unit can have more than one label, but each unit can only have one entry for each key. Key is used as an identifier, but additionally can classify objects by other criteria based on  development stage, public accessibility, application version, etc activities.

Annotations attach arbitrary key-value information to an Kubernetes object. On the other hand labels should be used for meaningful information to match a pod with selection criteria, annotations contain less structured data. Annotations are a way of adding more metadata to an object that is not helpful for selection purposes.

What is a service role in kubernetes components

In Kubernetes, a service is a component that acts as a basic internal load balancer and ambassador for pods. A service groups together logical collections of pods that perform the same function to present them as a single entity.

  • This allows you to deploy a service that can keep track of and route to all of the backend containers of a particular type. Internal consumers only need to know about the stable endpoint provided by the service. 
  • A service’s IP address remains stable regardless of changes to the pods it routes to. By deploying a service, you easily gain discoverability and can simplify your container designs.
  • Any time you need to provide access to one or more pods to another application or to external consumers, you should to configure a service.

For instance, if you have a set of pods running web servers that should be accessible from the internet, a service will provide the necessary abstraction. Likewise, if your web servers need to store and retrieve data, you would want to configure an internal service to give them access to your database pods.

Explain Kubelet

Each node runs services to run containers and be managed from the master. In addition to Docker, Kubelet is another key service installed there.

It reads container manifests as YAML files that describes a pod.

Kubelet ensures that the containers defined in the pods are started and continue running.

What Is The GKE?

Google Container Engine (GKE) is a management and orchestration system for Docker container and container clusters that run within Google’s public cloud services. Google Container Engine is based on Kubernetes, Google’s open source container management system.

Kubernetes Networking – ( Intermediate Level )

What happens when a master fails? What happens when a worker fails?

Kubernetes is designed to be resilient to any individual node failure, master or worker. When a master fails the nodes of the cluster will keep operating, but there can be no changes including pod creation or service member changes until the master is available. When a worker fails, the master stops receiving messages from the worker. If the master does not receive status updates from the worker the node will be marked as NotReady. If a node is NotReady for 5 minutes, the master reschedules all pods that were running on the dead node to other available nodes.

How does DNS work in Kubernetes?

There is a DNS server called skydns which runs in a pod in the cluster, in the kube-system namespace. That DNS server reads from etcd and can serve up dns entries for Kubernetes services to all pods. You can reach any service with the name <service>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local. The resolver automatically searches <namespace>.svc.cluster.local dns so that you should be able to call one service to another in the same namespace with just <service>.

How do you build a High Availability (HA) cluster?

The only stateful part of a Kubernetes cluster is the etcd. The master server runs the controller manager, scheduler, and the API server and can be run as replicas. The controller manager and scheduler in the master servers use a leader election system, so only one controller manager and scheduler is active for the cluster at any time. So an HA cluster generally consists of an etcd cluster of 3+ nodes and multiple master nodes.

Add nodes in a HA cluster in kubernetes

Once the masters are ready, nodes can be added into the system. The node should be finished with the prerequisite configuration as a worker node in the kubeadm cluster.

Need to start kublet

$ sudo systemctl enable kubelet && sudo systemctl start kubelet

Run  the join command as below . However, please change the master IP to the load balancer one:

// join command $ sudo kubeadm join –token <CUSTOM_TOKEN> <LOAD_BALANCER_IP>:6443 –discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:<HEX_STRING>

Then go to the first master or second master to check the nodes’ status:

// see the node is added$ kubectl get nodesNAME       STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSIONmaster01   Ready     master    4h        v1.10.2master02   Ready     master    3h        v1.10.2node01     Ready     <none>    22s       v1.10.2

How do I determine the status of a Deployment?

Use kubectl get deployment <deployment>. If the DESIRED, CURRENT, UP-TO-DATE are all equal, then the Deployment has completed.

How do I update all my pods if the image changed but the tag is the same?

Make sure your imagePullPolicy is set to Always(this is the default). That means when a pod is deleted, a new pod will ensure it has the current version of the image. Then refresh all your pods.

The simplest way to refresh all your pods is to just delete them and they will be recreated with the latest image. This immediately destroys all your pods which will cause a service outage. Do this with kubectl delete pod -l <name>=<value> where name and value are the label selectors your deployment uses.

A better way is to edit your deployment and modify the deployment pod spec to add or change any annotation. This will cause all your pods to be deleted and rescheduled, but this method will also obey your rollingUpdate strategy, meaning no downtime assuming your rollingUpdate strategy already behaves properly. Setting a timestamp or a version number is convenient, but any change to pod annotations will cause a rolling update. For a deployment named nginx, this can be done with:


kubectl patch deployment nginx -p “$PATCH”

It is considered bad practice to rely on the :latest docker image tag in your deployments, because using :latest there is no way to rollback or specify what version of your image to use. It’s better to update the deployment with an exact version of the image and use –record so that you can use kubectl rollout undo deployment <deployment> or other commands to manage rollouts.

How do I debug a Pending pod?

A Pending pod is one that cannot be scheduled onto a node. Doing a kubectl describe pod <pod> will usually tell you why. kubectl logs <pod> can also be helpful. There are several common reasons for pods stuck in Pending:

The pod is requesting more resources than are available, a pod has set a request for an amount of CPU or memory that is not available anywhere on any node. eg. requesting a 8 CPU cores when all your nodes only have 4 CPU cores. Doing a kubectl describe node <node> on each node will also show already requested resources. ** There are taints that prevent a pod from scheduling on your nodes. ** The nodes have been marked unschedulable with kubectl cordon ** There are no Ready nodes. kubectl get nodes will display the status of all nodes.


$ kubectl get po requests-pod-3NAME             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGErequests-pod-3   0/1       Pending   0          4m

Examining why a pod is stuck at Pending with kubectl describe pod

$ kubectl describe po requests-pod-3Name:       requests-pod-3Namespace:  defaultNode:       /   
…Conditions:  Type           Status    PodScheduled   False …Events:… Warning  FailedScheduling    No nodes are available                                                        that match all of the          following predicates::           Insufficient cpu (1).

What is KUBE proxy?

The Kubernetes network proxy runs on each node. Service cluster ips and ports are currently found through Docker-links-compatible environment variables specifying ports opened by the service proxy. There is an optional addon that provides cluster DNS for these cluster IPs.

How do I debug a Pending pod?

A Pending pod is one that cannot be scheduled onto a node. Doing a kubectl describe pod <pod> will usually tell you why. kubectl logs <pod> can also be helpful. There are several common reasons for pods stuck in Pending:

** The pod is requesting more resources than are available, a pod has set a request for an amount of CPU or memory that is not available anywhere on any node. eg. requesting a 8 CPU cores when all your nodes only have 4 CPU cores. Doing a kubectl describe node <node> on each node will also show already requested resources. ** There are taints that prevent a pod from scheduling on your nodes. ** The nodes have been marked unschedulable with kubectl cordon ** There are no Ready nodes. kubectl get nodes will display the status of all nodes.

How do I rollback the Deployment?

If you apply a change to a Deployment with the –record flag then Kubernetes stores the previous Deployment in its history. The kubectl rollout history deployment <deployment> command will show prior Deployments. The last Deployment can be restored with the kubectl rollout undo deployment <deployment> command. In progress Deployments can also be paused and resumed.

When a new version of a Deployment is applied, a new ReplicaSet object is created which is slowly scaled up while the old ReplicaSet is scaled down. You can look at each ReplicaSet that has been rolled out with kubectl get replicaset. Each ReplicaSet is named with the format -, so you can also do kubectl describe replicaset <replicaset>.

What is an Ingress Controller?

An Ingress Controller is a pod that can act as an inbound traffic handler. It is a HTTP reverse proxy that is implemented as a somewhat customizable nginx. Among the features are HTTP path and service based routing and SSL termination.

Kubernetes – Expert Level

How do I expose a service to a host outside the cluster?

There are two ways:

  1. Set the service type to NodePort. This makes every node in the cluster listen on the specified NodePort, then any node will forward traffic from that NodePort to a random pod in the service.
  2. Set the service type to Load Balancer. This provisions a NodePort as above, but then does an additional step to provision a load balancer in your cloud(AWS or GKE) automatically. In AWS it also modifies the Auto-Scaling Group of the cluster so all nodes of that ASG are added to the ELB.

How does a Load Balancer service work?

A Load Balancer by default is set up as a TCP Load Balancer with your cloud provider (AWS or GKE). There is no support in bare metal or OpenStack for Load Balancer types. The Kubernetes controller manager provisions a load balancer in your cloud and puts all of your Kubernetes nodes into the load balancer. Because each node is assumed to be running kube-proxy it should be listening on the appropriate NodePort and then it can forward incoming requests to a pod that is available for the service.

Because the LoadBalancer type is by default TCP, not HTTP many higher level features of a LoadBalancer are not available. For instance health checking from the LoadBalancer to the node is done with a TCP check. HTTP X-Forwarded-For information is not available, though it is possible to use proxy protocol in AWS.

Is it possible to force the pod to run on a specific node?

Kubernetes by default does attempt node anti-affinity, but it is not a hard requirement, it is best effort, but will schedule multiple pods on the same node if that is the only way.

You can constrain a pod to only be able to run on particular nodes or to prefer to run on particular nodes. There are several ways to do this, and they all use label selectors to make the selection. Generally such constraints are unnecessary, as the scheduler will automatically do a reasonable placement (e.g. spread your pods across nodes, not place the pod on a node with insufficient free resources, etc.) but there are some circumstances where you may want more control on a node where a pod lands, e.g. to ensure that a pod ends up on a machine with an SSD attached to it, or to co-locate pods from two different services that communicate a lot into the same availability zone.

How do I get all the pods on a node?

You can use the following command to get all the pods on a node in kubernetes Cluster –

$ kubectl get po –all-namespaces  -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.spec.nodeName ==”nodename”)]}{.metadata.name}{“\n”}{end}’

Can pods mount NFS volumes?

Yes, there’s an example here of both an NFS client and server running within pods in the cluster:


Configuring NFS Server

Define NFS server pod and NFS service:

$ kubectl create -f nfs-server-pod.yaml
$ kubectl create -f nfs-server-service.yaml

The server exports /mnt/data directory, which contains dummy index.html. Wait until the pod is running!

Configuring NFS Client

See WEB server pod, which runs a simple web server serving data from the NFS. The pod assumes your DNS is set up and the NFS service is reachable as nfs-server.default.kube.local. Edit the yaml file to supply another name or directly its IP address (use kubectl get services to get it).

Finally, define the pod:

$ kubectl create -f web-pod.yaml
Now the pod serves index.html from the NFS server:

$ curl http://<the container IP address>/
Hello World!

Is it possible to route traffic from outside the Kubernetes cluster directly to pods?

Yes. But one major downside of that is that ClusterIPs are implemented as iptables rules on cluster clients, so you’d lose the ability to see Cluster IPs and service changes. Because the iptables are managed by kube-proxy you could do this by running a kube-proxy, which is similar to just joining the cluster. You could make all your services Headless(ClusterIP = None), this would give your external servers the ability to talk directly to services if they could use the kubernetes dns. Headless services don’t use ClusterIPs, but instead just create a DNS A record for all pods in the service. kube-dns is run inside the cluster as a ClusterIP, so there’s a chicken and egg problem with DNS you would have to deal with.

Why is my pod showing “pending” status?

Pending usually means that a pod cannot be scheduled, because of a resource limitation, most commonly the cluster can’t find a node which has the available CPU and memory requests to satisfy the scheduler. kubectl describe pod <podid> will show the reason why the pod can’t be scheduled. Pods can remain in the Pending state indefinitely until the resources are available or until you reduce the number of required replicas.

What monitoring and metrics tools do people use for Kubernetes?

Heapster is included and its metrics are how Kubernetes measures CPU and memory in order to use horizontal pod autoscaling (HPA). Heapster can be queried directly with its REST API. Prometheus is also more full featured and popular.

How can containers within a pod communicate with each other?

Containers within a pod share networking space and can reach other on localhost. For instance, if you have two containers within a pod, a MySQL container running on port 3306, and a PHP container running on port 80, the PHP container could access the MySQL one through localhost:3306.

How do I configure credentials to download images from a private docker registry?

Create a special secret in a your namespace that provides the registry and credentials to authenticate with. Then use that secret in the spec.imagePullSecrets field of your pod specification. Private registries may require keys to read images from them. Credentials can be provided in several ways:

  • Using Google Container Registry
    • Per-cluster
    • automatically configured on Google Compute Engine or Google Kubernetes Engine
    • all pods can read the project’s private registry
  • Using AWS EC2 Container Registry (ECR)
    • use IAM roles and policies to control access to ECR repositories
    • automatically refreshes ECR login credentials
  • Using Azure Container Registry (ACR)
  • Configuring Nodes to Authenticate to a Private Registry
    • all pods can read any configured private registries
    • requires node configuration by cluster administrator
  • Pre-pulling Images
    • all pods can use any images cached on a node
    • requires root access to all nodes to setup
  • Specifying ImagePullSecrets on a Pod
    • only pods which provide own keys can access the private registry.

Explain the concept of Taints and Tolerations

Taints and tolerations work together to ensure that pods are not scheduled onto inappropriate nodes. One or more taints are applied to a node; this marks that the node should not accept any pods that do not tolerate the taints. Tolerations are applied to pods, and allow (but do not require) the pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints.

You add a taint to a node using kubectl taint. For example,

kubectl taint nodes node1 key=value:NoSchedule

places a taint on node node1. The taint has key key, value value, and taint effect NoSchedule. This means that no pod will be able to schedule onto node1 unless it has a matching toleration.

To remove the taint added by the command above, you can run:

kubectl taint nodes node1 key:NoSchedule-

You specify a toleration for a pod in the PodSpec. Both of the following tolerations “match” the taint created by the kubectl taint line above, and thus a pod with either toleration would be able to schedule onto node1:

– key: “key”
  operator: “Equal”
  value: “value”
  effect: “NoSchedule”

– key: “key”
  operator: “Exists”
  effect: “NoSchedule”

A toleration “matches” a taint if the keys are the same and the effects are the same, and:

  • the operator is Exists (in which case no value should be specified), or
  • the operator is Equal and the values are equal

Operator defaults to Equal if not specified.

Explain the role of Secrets in Kubernetes

A Secret is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as a password, a token, or a key. Such information might otherwise be put in a Pod specification or in an image; putting it in a Secret object allows for more control over how it is used, and reduces the risk of accidental exposure.

Objects of type secret are intended to hold sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and ssh keys. Putting this information in a secret is safer and more flexible than putting it verbatim in a pod definition or in a docker image.

Users can create secrets, and the system also creates some secrets.

To use a secret, a pod needs to reference the secret. A secret can be used with a pod in two ways: as files in a volume mounted on one or more of its containers, or used by kubelet when pulling images for the pod.

How can we priortize pods and preempt them.

Pods can have priority. Priority indicates the importance of a Pod relative to other Pods. If a Pod cannot be scheduled, the scheduler tries to preempt (evict) lower priority Pods to make scheduling of the pending Pod possible.

In Kubernetes 1.9 and later, Priority also affects scheduling order of Pods and out-of-resource eviction ordering on the Node.

Pod priority and preemption are moved to beta since Kubernetes 1.11 and are enabled by default in this release and later.

In Kubernetes versions where Pod priority and preemption is still an alpha-level feature, you need to explicitly enable it. To use these features in the older versions of Kubernetes, follow the instructions in the documentation for your Kubernetes version, by going to the documentation archive version for your Kubernetes version.

A PriorityClass is a non-namespaced object that defines a mapping from a priority class name to the integer value of the priority. The name is specified in the name field of the PriorityClass object’s metadata. The value is specified in the required value field. The higher the value, the higher the priority.

A PriorityClass object can have any 32-bit integer value smaller than or equal to 1 billion. Larger numbers are reserved for critical system Pods that should not normally be preempted or evicted. A cluster admin should create one PriorityClass object for each such mapping that they want.

PriorityClass also has two optional fields: globalDefault and description. The globalDefault field indicates that the value of this PriorityClass should be used for Pods without a priorityClassName. Only one PriorityClass with globalDefault set to true can exist in the system. If there is no PriorityClass with globalDefault set, the priority of Pods with no priorityClassName is zero.

Explain the Kubernetes model for connecting containers

Now that you have a continuously running, replicated application you can expose it on a network. Before discussing the Kubernetes approach to networking, it is worthwhile to contrast it with the “normal” way networking works with Docker.

By default, Docker uses host-private networking, so containers can talk to other containers only if they are on the same machine. In order for Docker containers to communicate across nodes, there must be allocated ports on the machine’s own IP address, which are then forwarded or proxied to the containers. This obviously means that containers must either coordinate which ports they use very carefully or ports must be allocated dynamically.

Coordinating ports across multiple developers is very difficult to do at scale and exposes users to cluster-level issues outside of their control. Kubernetes assumes that pods can communicate with other pods, regardless of which host they land on. We give every pod its own cluster-private-IP address so you do not need to explicitly create links between pods or mapping container ports to host ports. This means that containers within a Pod can all reach each other’s ports on localhost, and all pods in a cluster can see each other without NAT. The rest of this document will elaborate on how you can run reliable services on such a networking model.

Explain the concept of Storage Classes

A StorageClass provides a way for administrators to describe the “classes” of storage they offer. Different classes might map to quality-of-service levels, or to backup policies, or to arbitrary policies determined by the cluster administrators. Kubernetes itself is unopinionated about what classes represent. This concept is sometimes called “profiles” in other storage systems.

Each StorageClass contains the fields provisioner, parameters, and reclaimPolicy, which are used when a PersistentVolume belonging to the class needs to be dynamically provisioned.

What are the volumes per node limits for each Cloud providers

The Kubernetes scheduler has default limits on the number of volumes that can be attached to a node:

Cloud service
Maximum volumes per node

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

Google Persistent Disk

Microsoft Azure Disk Storage

How many types of Container Hooks are available, and explain each one of them

The hooks enable Containers to be aware of events in their management lifecycle and run code implemented in a handler when the corresponding lifecycle hook is executed.

There are two hooks that are exposed to Containers:


This hook executes immediately after a container is created. However, there is no guarantee that the hook will execute before the container ENTRYPOINT. No parameters are passed to the handler.


This hook is called immediately before a container is terminated. It is blocking, meaning it is synchronous, so it must complete before the call to delete the container can be sent. No parameters are passed to the handler.

What is a Resource Quota and Why we need them.

A resource quota, defined by a ResourceQuota object, provides constraints that limit aggregate resource consumption per namespace. It can limit the quantity of objects that can be created in a namespace by type, as well as the total amount of compute resources that may be consumed by resources in that project.

Resource quotas work like this:

  • Different teams work in different namespaces. Currently this is voluntary, but support for making this mandatory via ACLs is planned.
  • The administrator creates one or more ResourceQuotas for each namespace.
  • Users create resources (pods, services, etc.) in the namespace, and the quota system tracks usage to ensure it does not exceed hard resource limits defined in a ResourceQuota.
  • If creating or updating a resource violates a quota constraint, the request will fail with HTTP status code 403 FORBIDDEN with a message explaining the constraint that would have been violated.
  • If quota is enabled in a namespace for compute resources like cpu and memory, users must specify requests or limits for those values; otherwise, the quota system may reject pod creation. Hint: Use the LimitRanger admission controller to force defaults for pods that make no compute resource requirements. See the walkthrough for an example of how to avoid this problem.

49. What is a Pod Security Policy and How to enable one?

A Pod Security Policy is a cluster-level resource that controls security sensitive aspects of the pod specification. The PodSecurityPolicy objects define a set of conditions that a pod must run with in order to be accepted into the system, as well as defaults for the related fields.

Pod security policy control is implemented as an optional (but recommended) admission controller. PodSecurityPolicies are enforced by enabling the admission controller, but doing so without authorizing any policies will prevent any pods from being created in the cluster.

Since the pod security policy API (policy/v1beta1/podsecuritypolicy) is enabled independently of the admission controller, for existing clusters it is recommended that policies are added and authorized before enabling the admission controller.

50. Explain the Service Catalog along with its Architecture

Service Catalog is an extension API that enables applications running in Kubernetes clusters to easily use external managed software offerings, such as a datastore service offered by a cloud provider.

It provides a way to list, provision, and bind with external Managed Services from Service Brokers without needing detailed knowledge about how those services are created or managed.

Using Service Catalog, a cluster operator can browse the list of managed services offered by a service broker, provision an instance of a managed service, and bind with it to make it available to an application in the Kubernetes cluster.

Service Catalog uses the Open service broker API to communicate with service brokers, acting as an intermediary for the Kubernetes API Server to negotiate the initial provisioning and retrieve the credentials necessary for the application to use a managed service.

It is implemented as an extension API server and a controller, using etcd for storage. It also uses the aggregation layer available in Kubernetes 1.7+ to present its API.

How is Kubernetes different from Docker Swarm?

Docker Swarm

Installation & Cluster Config
Setup is very complicated, but once installed cluster is robust.
Installation is very simple, but the cluster is not robust.

GUI is the Kubernetes Dashboard.
There is no GUI.

Highly scalable and scales fast.
Highly scalable and scales 5x faster than Kubernetes.

Kubernetes can do auto-scaling.
Docker swarm cannot do auto-scaling.

Load Balancing
Manual intervention needed for load balancing traffic between different containers and pods.
Docker swarm does auto load balancing of traffic between containers in the cluster.

Rolling Updates & Rollbacks
Can deploy rolling updates and does automatic rollbacks.
Can deploy rolling updates, but not automatic rollback.

DATA Volumes
Can share storage volumes only with the other containers in the same pod.
Can share storage volumes with any other container.

Logging & Monitoring
In-built tools for logging and monitoring.
3rd party tools like ELK stack should be used for logging and monitoring.

What is Kubernetes?


What is Kubernetes – Kubernetes Interview Questions

Kubernetes is an open-source container management tool which holds the responsibilities of container deployment, scaling & descaling of containers & load balancing. Being the Google’s brainchild, it offers excellent community and works brilliantly with all the cloud providers. So, we can say that Kubernetes is not a containerization platform, but it is a multi-container management solution.

How is Kubernetes related to Docker?

It’s a known fact that Docker provides the lifecycle management of containers and a Docker image builds the runtime containers. But, since these individual containers have to communicate, Kubernetes is used.  So, Docker builds the containers and these containers communicate with each other via Kubernetes. So, containers running on multiple hosts can be manually linked and orchestrated using Kubernetes.

What is the difference between deploying applications on hosts and containers?


Deploying Applications On Host vs Containers – Kubernetes Interview Questions

Refer to the above diagram. The left side architecture represents deploying applications on hosts. So, this kind of architecture will have an operating system and then the operating system will have a kernel which will have various libraries installed on the operating system needed for the application. So, in this kind of framework you can have n number of applications and all the applications will share the libraries present in that operating system whereas while deploying applications in containers the architecture is a little different.

This kind of architecture will have a kernel and that is the only thing that’s going to be the only thing common between all the applications. So, if there’s a particular application which needs Java then that particular application we’ll get access to Java and if there’s another application which needs Python then only that particular application will have access to Python.

The individual blocks that you can see on the right side of the diagram are basically containerized and these are isolated from other applications. So, the applications have the necessary libraries and binaries isolated from the rest of the system, and cannot be encroached by any other application.

What is Container Orchestration?

Consider a scenario where you have 5-6 microservices for an application. Now, these microservices are put in individual containers, but won’t be able to communicate without container orchestration. So, as orchestration means the amalgamation of all instruments playing together in harmony in music, similarly container orchestration means all the services in individual containers working together to fulfill the needs of a single server.

What is the need for Container Orchestration?

Consider you have 5-6 microservices for a single application performing various tasks, and all these microservices are put inside containers. Now, to make sure that these containers communicate with each other we need container orchestration.


Challenges Without Container Orchestration – Kubernetes Interview Questions

As you can see in the above diagram, there were also many challenges that came into place without the use of container orchestration. So, to overcome these challenges the container orchestration came into place.

What are the features of Kubernetes?

The features of Kubernetes, are as follows:


Features Of Kubernetes – Kubernetes Interview Questions

How does Kubernetes simplify containerized Deployment?

As a typical application would have a cluster of containers running across multiple hosts, all these containers would need to talk to each other. So, to do this you need something big that would load balance, scale & monitor the containers. Since Kubernetes is cloud-agnostic and can run on any public/private providers it must be your choice simplify containerized deployment.

What do you know about clusters in Kubernetes?

The fundamental behind Kubernetes is that we can enforce the desired state management, by which I mean that we can feed the cluster services of a specific configuration, and it will be up to the cluster services to go out and run that configuration in the infrastructure.


Representation Of Kubernetes Cluster – Kubernetes Interview Questions

So, as you can see in the above diagram, the deployment file will have all the configurations required to be fed into the cluster services. Now, the deployment file will be fed to the API and then it will be up to the cluster services to figure out how to schedule these pods in the environment and make sure that the right number of pods are running.

So, the API which sits in front of services, the worker nodes & the Kubelet process that the nodes run, all together make up the Kubernetes Cluster.

What is Google Container Engine?

Google Container Engine (GKE) is an open source management platform for Docker containers and the clusters. This Kubernetes based engine supports only those clusters which run within the Google’s public cloud services.

What is Heapster?

Heapster is a cluster-wide aggregator of data provided by Kubelet running on each node. This container management tool is supported natively on Kubernetes cluster and runs as a pod, just like any other pod in the cluster. So, it basically discovers all nodes in the cluster and queries usage information from the Kubernetes nodes in the cluster, via on-machine Kubernetes agent.

Q12.  What is Minikube?

Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally. This runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a virtual machine.

What is Kubectl?

Kubectl is the platform using which you can pass commands to the cluster. So, it basically provides the CLI to run commands against the Kubernetes cluster with various ways to create and manage the Kubernetes component.

What is Kubelet?

This is an agent service which runs on each node and enables the slave to communicate with the master. So, Kubelet works on the description of containers provided to it in the PodSpec and makes sure that the containers described in the PodSpec are healthy and running.

What do you understand by a node in Kubernetes?


Fig 6: Node In Kubernetes – Kubernetes Interview Questions

Interested in learning Kubernetes?

Architecture-Based Kubernetes Interview Questions

This section of questions will deal with the questions related to the architecture of Kubernetes.

Q1. What are the different components of Kubernetes Architecture?

The Kubernetes Architecture has mainly 2 components – the master node and the worker node. As you can see in the below diagram, the master and the worker nodes have many inbuilt components within them. The master node has the kube-controller-manager, kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, etcd. Whereas the worker node has kubelet and kube-proxy running on each node.


Architecture Of Kubernetes – Kubernetes Interview Questions

What do you understand by Kube-proxy?

Kube-proxy can run on each and every node and can do simple TCP/UDP packet forwarding across backend network service. So basically, it is a network proxy which reflects the services as configured in Kubernetes API on each node. So, the Docker-linkable compatible environment variables provide the cluster IPs and ports which are opened by proxy.

Can you brief on the working of the master node in Kubernetes?

Kubernetes master controls the nodes and inside the nodes the containers are present. Now, these individual containers are contained inside pods and inside each pod, you can have a various number of containers based upon the configuration and requirements. So, if the pods have to be deployed, then they can either be deployed using user interface or command line interface. Then, these pods are scheduled on the nodes and based on the resource requirements, the pods are allocated to these nodes. The kube-apiserver makes sure that there is communication established between the Kubernetes node and the master components.


What is the role of kube-apiserver and kube-scheduler?

The kube – apiserver follows the scale-out architecture and, is the front-end of the master node control panel. This exposes all the APIs of the Kubernetes Master node components and is responsible for establishing communication between Kubernetes Node and the Kubernetes master components.

The kube-scheduler is responsible for distribution and management of workload on the worker nodes. So, it selects the most suitable node to run the unscheduled pod based on resource requirement and keeps a track of resource utilization. It makes sure that the workload is not scheduled on nodes which are already full.

Can you brief about the Kubernetes controller manager?

Multiple controller processes run on the master node but are compiled together to run as a single process which is the Kubernetes Controller Manager. So, Controller Manager is a daemon that embeds controllers and does namespace creation and garbage collection. It owns the responsibility and communicates with the API server to manage the end-points.

So, the different types of controller manager running on the master node are :

Types Of Controllers – Kubernetes Interview Questions

What is ETCD?

Etcd is written in Go programming language and is a distributed key-value store used for coordinating between distributed work. So, Etcd stores the configuration data of the Kubernetes cluster, representing the state of the cluster at any given point in time.

What are the different types of services in Kubernetes?

The following are the different types of services used:


Types Of Services – Kubernetes Interview Questions

What do you understand by load balancer in Kubernetes?

A load balancer is one of the most common and standard ways of exposing service. There are two types of load balancer used based on the working environment i.e. either the Internal Load Balancer or the External Load Balancer. The Internal Load Balancer automatically balances load and allocates the pods with the required configuration whereas the External Load Balancer directs the traffic from the external load to the backend pods.

What is Ingress network, and how does it work?

Ingress network is a collection of rules that acts as an entry point to the Kubernetes cluster. This allows inbound connections, which can be configured to give services externally through reachable URLs, load balance traffic, or by offering name-based virtual hosting. So, Ingress is an API object that manages external access to the services in a cluster, usually by HTTP and is the most powerful way of exposing service.

Now, let me explain to you the working of Ingress network with an example.

There are 2 nodes having the pod and root network namespaces with a Linux bridge. In addition to this, there is also a new virtual ethernet device called flannel0(network plugin) added to the root network.

Now, suppose we want the packet to flow from pod1 to pod 4. Refer to the below diagram.


Working Of Ingress Network – Kubernetes Interview Questions

  • So, the packet leaves pod1’s network at eth0 and enters the root network at veth0.

  • Then it is passed on to cbr0, which makes the ARP request to find the destination and it is found out that nobody on this node has the destination IP address.

  • So, the bridge sends the packet to flannel0 as the node’s route table is configured with flannel0.

  • Now, the flannel daemon talks to the API server of Kubernetes to know all the pod IPs and their respective nodes to create mappings for pods IPs to node IPs.

  • The network plugin wraps this packet in a UDP packet with extra headers changing the source and destination IP’s to their respective nodes and sends this packet out via eth0.

  • Now, since the route table already knows how to route traffic between nodes, it sends the packet to the destination node2.

  • The packet arrives at eth0 of node2 and goes back to flannel0 to de-capsulate and emits it back in the root network namespace.

  • Again, the packet is forwarded to the Linux bridge to make an ARP request to find out the IP that belongs to veth1.

  • The packet finally crosses the root network and reaches the destination Pod4.

What do you understand by Cloud controller manager?

The Cloud Controller Manager is responsible for persistent storage, network routing, abstracting the cloud-specific code from the core Kubernetes specific code, and managing the communication with the underlying cloud services. It might be split out into several different containers depending on which cloud platform you are running on and then it enables the cloud vendors and Kubernetes code to be developed without any inter-dependency. So, the cloud vendor develops their code and connects with the Kubernetes cloud-controller-manager while running the Kubernetes.

The various types of cloud controller manager are as follows:

20-2What is Container resource monitoring?

As for users, it is really important to understand the performance of the application and resource utilization at all the different abstraction layer, Kubernetes factored the management of the cluster by creating abstraction at different levels like container, pods, services and whole cluster. Now, each level can be monitored and this is nothing but Container resource monitoring.

The various container resource monitoring tools are as follows:


Container Resource Monitoring Tools – Kubernetes Interview Questions

What is the difference between a replica set and replication controller?

Replica Set and Replication Controller do almost the same thing. Both of them ensure that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time. The difference comes with the usage of selectors to replicate pods. Replica Set use Set-Based selectors while replication controllers use Equity-Based selectors.

  • Equity-Based Selectors: This type of selector allows filtering by label key and values. So, in layman terms, the equity-based selector will only look for the pods which will have the exact same phrase as that of the label.

    Example: Suppose your label key says app=nginx, then, with this selector, you can only look for those pods with label app equal to nginx.

  • Selector-Based Selectors: This type of selector allows filtering keys according to a set of values. So, in other words, the selector based selector will look for pods whose label has been mentioned in the set.

    Example: Say your label key says app in (nginx, NPS, Apache). Then, with this selector, if your app is equal to any of nginx, NPS, or Apache, then the selector will take it as a true result.

What is a Headless Service?

Headless Service is similar to that of a ‘Normal’ services but does not have a Cluster IP. This service enables you to directly reach the pods without the need of accessing it through a proxy.

What are the best security measures that you can take while using Kubernetes?

The following are the best security measures that you can follow while using Kubernetes:


Best Security Measures – Kubernetes Interview Questions

What are federated clusters?

Multiple Kubernetes clusters can be managed as a single cluster with the help of federated clusters. So, you can create multiple Kubernetes clusters within a data center/cloud and use federation to control/manage them all at one place.

The federated clusters can achieve this by doing the following two things. Refer to the below diagram.


Federated Clusters – Kubernetes Interview Questions

Scenario-Based Interview Questions

This section of questions will consist of various scenario based questions that you may face in your interviews.

Scenario 1:

Suppose a company built on monolithic architecture handles numerous products. Now, as the company expands in today’s scaling industry, their monolithic architecture started causing problems.

How do you think the company shifted from monolithic to microservices and deploy their services containers?


As the company’s goal is to shift from their monolithic application to microservices, they can end up building piece by piece, in parallel and just switch configurations in the background. Then they can put each of these built-in microservices on the Kubernetes platform. So, they can start by migrating their services once or twice and monitor them to make sure everything is running stable. Once they feel everything is going good, then they can migrate the rest of the application into their Kubernetes cluster.

Scenario 2:

Consider a multinational company with a very much distributed system, with a large number of data centers, virtual machines, and many employees working on various tasks.

How do you think can such a company manage all the tasks in a consistent way with Kubernetes?


As all of us know that I.T. departments launch thousands of containers, with tasks running across a numerous number of nodes across the world in a distributed system.

In such a situation the company can use something that offers them agility, scale-out capability, and DevOps practice to the cloud-based applications.

So, the company can, therefore, use Kubernetes to customize their scheduling architecture and support multiple container formats. This makes it possible for the affinity between container tasks that gives greater efficiency with an extensive support for various container networking solutions and container storage.

Scenario 3:

Consider a situation, where a company wants to increase its efficiency and the speed of its technical operations by maintaining minimal costs.

How do you think the company will try to achieve this?


The company can implement the DevOps methodology, by building a CI/CD pipeline, but one problem that may occur here is the configurations may take time to go up and running. So, after implementing the CI/CD pipeline the company’s next step should be to work in the cloud environment. Once they start working on the cloud environment, they can schedule containers on a cluster and can orchestrate with the help of Kubernetes. This kind of approach will help the company reduce their deployment time, and also get faster across various environments.

Scenario 4: 

Suppose a company wants to revise it’s deployment methods and wants to build a platform which is much more scalable and responsive.

How do you think this company can achieve this to satisfy their customers



In order to give millions of clients the digital experience they would expect, the company needs a platform that is scalable, and responsive, so that they could quickly get data to the client website. Now, to do this the company should move from their private data centers (if they are using any) to any cloud environment such as AWS. Not only this, but they should also implement the microservice architecture so that they can start using Docker containers. Once they have the base framework ready, then they can start using the best orchestration platform available i.e. Kubernetes. This would enable the teams to be autonomous in building applications and delivering them very quickly.

Scenario 5:

Consider a multinational company with a very much distributed system, looking forward to solving the monolithic code base problem.

How do you think the company can solve their problem?


Well, to solve the problem, they can shift their monolithic code base to a microservice design and then each and every microservices can be considered as a container. So, all these containers can be deployed and orchestrated with the help of Kubernetes.


Scenario 6:

All of us know that the shift from monolithic to microservices solves the problem from the development side, but increases the problem at the deployment side.

How can the company solve the problem on the deployment side?


The team can experiment with container orchestration platforms, such as Kubernetes and run it in data centers. So, with this, the company can generate a templated application, deploy it within five minutes, and have actual instances containerized in the staging environment at that point. This kind of Kubernetes project will have dozens of microservices running in parallel to improve the production rate as even if a node goes down, then it can be rescheduled immediately without performance impact.

Scenario 7: 

Suppose a company wants to optimize the distribution of its workloads, by adopting new technologies.

How can the company achieve this distribution of resources efficiently?


The solution to this problem is none other than Kubernetes. Kubernetes makes sure that the resources are optimized efficiently, and only those resources are used which are needed by that particular application. So, with the usage of the best container orchestration tool, the company can achieve the distribution of resources efficiently.

Scenario 8:

Consider a carpooling company wants to increase their number of servers by simultaneously scaling their platform.

How do you think will the company deal with the servers and their installation?


The company can adopt the concept of containerization. Once they deploy all their application into containers, they can use Kubernetes for orchestration and use container monitoring tools like Prometheus to monitor the actions in containers. So, with such usage of containers, giving them better capacity planning in the data center because they will now have fewer constraints due to this abstraction between the services and the hardware they run on.

Scenario 9:

Consider a scenario where a company wants to provide all the required hand-outs to its customers having various environments.

How do you think they can achieve this critical target in a dynamic manner?


The company can use Docker environments, to put together a cross-sectional team to build a web application using Kubernetes. This kind of framework will help the company achieve the goal of getting the required things into production within the shortest time frame. So, with such a machine running, the company can give the hands-outs to all the customers having various environments.

Scenario 10:

Suppose a company wants to run various workloads on different cloud infrastructure from bare metal to a public cloud.

How will the company achieve this in the presence of different interfaces?


The company can decompose its infrastructure into microservices and then adopt Kubernetes. This will let the company run various workloads on different cloud infrastructures.

Multiple Choice Interview Questions

This section of questions will consist of multiple choice interview questions, that are frequently asked in interviews.

Q1. What are minions in Kubernetes cluster?

  1. They are components of the master node.

  2. They are the work-horse / worker node of the cluster.[Ans]

  3. They are monitoring engine used widely in kubernetes.

  4. They are docker container service.

Q2. Kubernetes cluster data is stored in which of the following?

  1. Kube-apiserver

  2. Kubelet

  3. Etcd[Ans]

  4. None of the above

Q3. Which of them is a Kubernetes Controller?

  1. ReplicaSet

  2. Deployment

  3. Rolling Updates

  4. Both ReplicaSet and Deployment[Ans]

Q4. Which of the following are core Kubernetes objects?

  1. Pods

  2. Services

  3. Volumes

  4. All of the above[Ans]

Q5. The Kubernetes Network proxy runs on which node?

  1. Master Node

  2. Worker Node

  3. All the nodes[Ans]

  4. None of the above

Q6. What are the responsibilities of a node controller?

  1. To assign a CIDR block to the nodes

  2. To maintain the list of nodes

  3. To monitor the health of the nodes

  4. All of the above[Ans]

Q7. What are the responsibilities of Replication Controller?

  1. Update or delete multiple pods with a single command

  2. Helps to achieve the desired state

  3. Creates a new pod, if the existing pod crashes

  4. All of the above[Ans]

Q8. How to define a service without a selector?

  1. Specify the external name[Ans]

  2. Specify an endpoint with IP Address and port

  3. Just by specifying the IP address

  4. Specifying the label and api-version

Q9. What did the 1.8 version of Kubernetes introduce?

  1. Taints and Tolerations[Ans]

  2. Cluster level Logging

  3. Secrets

  4. Federated Clusters

Q10. The handler invoked by Kubelet to check if a container’s IP address is open or not is?

  1. HTTPGetAction

  2. ExecAction

  3. TCPSocketAction[Ans]

  4. None of the above


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