Apply Microsoft HOTFIX for clusters (updates the “clusdisk.sys” file in your OS)
On all your windows Node servers
Ensure that Power Path is fully licensed properly
Open “Power Path Administrator” to confirm that both adapters Path Mode are listed as active (it will state unlicensed if there is a license issue)
If it shows as unlicensed complete the following:
Open “PowerPath Licensing Tool” under EMC in the start menu
Select “ADD” and input BOPW-GB4W-MFMN-QQRN-ML9Z-YIZ7
Now go back to “Power Path Administrator” to confirm both adapters are listed as active
If not then complete the following DOS commands
Powermt check_registration (this will confirm the license key)
Powermt display (this will show the general status of the adapters)
Powermt display dev=all (this will show the current status of the adapters)
The screen capture below show that port 1 is unlicensed
Now run the policy command Powermt set policy=so dev=all (this will force a policy push for the status and license to each adapter)
Now run the Powermt display dev=all command again to confirm the status
Once the above is completed we can start to create the disk for the OS
Open disk manager and answer yes to initialize the new SAN disk
Now your disk manager should look similar to this
Now we need to run the DISK PART commands to realign the disk sectors for EMC and Windows to access the disk properly;
From a DOS command prompt run the following commands
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>diskpart
Microsoft DiskPart version 5.2.3790.3959
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation.
On computer: BRSKBPRHY1
DISKPART> select disk 2 (or whichever disk you will use)
Disk 2 is now the selected disk.
DISKPART> create partition primary align=128 (this equals 128 blocks)
DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition
Now you can created your logical drives
Select “mark as active” only if you need to boot for this volume (IE EMC servers)
Select “change drive letter” and select the appropriate drive letter
Now format the drive
Here is the Microsoft link for how to use DISKPART