How to Install and Configure Uptime on Linux

Configure Uptime

1.       Log into the target host with a domain account then su to root.
# sudo su -
2.       Navigate to /home/Install/Uptime.  If the directory does not exist, please transfer the binaries from a suitable website.
# cd home/Install/Uptime
3.       Execute the following RPM command to install the Uptime package.  Output should look like below.
# rpm -ivh uptimeagent-linux-5.1.312-x86_64.rpm
                Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
Checking if previous agent is in daemon mode
  - Daemon is off: skipping step
1 - Adding up.time agent user
Creating user 'uptagent'...
Creating mailbox file: File exists
  - User added successfully
2 - Extracting Agent files
   1:uptimeagent            ########################################### [100%]
Entering post install...
3 - Adding the uptimeagent service
The up.time agent makes use of (x)inetd to communication with
the up.time monitoring station. If the system you are installing the
agent software on to does not currently run (x)inetd or if the
installation process is not able to restart (x) inetd the agent may
not function correctly immediately after the installation.
NOTE: If the system you are installing the agent software on to is
using tcpwrappers (tcpd) to secure network connections be sure to add
the agent port (9998) to your hosts.allow settings and then restart
4 - Restarting (x)inetd
Recycling xinetd
Stopping xinetd: [  OK  ]
Starting xinetd: [  OK  ]
5 - Verifying Agent Installation
Port 9998 is open, the agent is responding
6 - Checking file dependencies
Checking for which....Found /usr/bin/which checking for permissions...[OK]
Checking for sed......Found /bin/sed checking for permissions.........[OK]
Checking for awk......Found /bin/awk checking for permissions.........[OK]
Checking for join.....Found /usr/bin/join checking for permissions....[OK]
Checking for netstat..Found /bin/netstat checking for permissions.....[OK]
Checking for date.....Found /bin/date checking for permissions........[OK]
Checking for df.......Found /bin/df checking for permissions..........[OK]
Checking for uname....Found /bin/uname checking for permissions.......[OK]
Checking for vmstat...Found /usr/bin/vmstat checking for permissions..[OK]
Probing 'sg' devices
7 - Agent installation complete

You can now add this agent system to the up.time monitoring station.
Please read the README.txt in the /opt/uptime-agent directory.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact
up.time support at:
+1 (416) 868-0152 opt. 2

Installation Verification

1.       Once the installation is completed, issue the following to verify that Uptime agent is running.  Grep for xinetd since uptime agent is running under this super daemon.
# ps -ef | grep xinetd
root     20450     1  0 10:41 ?        00:00:00 xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/
root     24078 19738  0 10:57 pts/0    00:00:00 grep xinetd
2.       Execute the following to verify that port 9998 is opened.
# netstat -nap | grep 9998
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      20450/xinetd

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